Stories of Water Equity and Environmental Justice

The Colorado Water Center and the Center for Environmental Justice at CSU, sponsored through SoGES, hosted a one-day symposium on water equity and environmental justice on October 18, 2017. The day included stories and dialogue with authors, academics, and citizens about their experiences with the privatization of water, water as a human right, and access to safe water and sanitation for everyone. David Archambault II, Chairman of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, delivered the keynote address on the Dakota Access pipeline conflict. Over 175 faculty, staff, students, and interested citizens participated in the event.
The symposium program is available here.
The sponsors of this event published an issue of Colorado Water focused on water equity and environmental justice.
Speaker Presentations
Neil Grigg, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University
Water as a Human Right
Kim Lemme, Global Sustainability Manager, Water For People
Water for people: An international tour
Melissa Elliot, Director of Stakeholder Relations, Denver Water
Underpriced, yet expensive: The water industry’s wicked problem
Kelsea Macilroy, Sociology Graduate Student, Colorado State University
How the well went dry: Tracking spatial inequality in groundwater access in the San Luis Valley, Colorado
Michael Wenstrom, Environmental Protection Specialist, US EPA and Diane Russell, Community Involvement Coordinator, EPA
Flint: The federal response – An on-the-ground perspective
Junita Martinez, Board Member, Sangre de Cristo Acequia Association
Historic community water sharing: A story of acequias in Southern Colorado
Hugo Lezama, Civil and Environmental Engineering student and Water Sustainability Fellow, Colorado State University
National Western Center youth water project: Diversifying voices and raising awareness
Bill Timpson, Professor, School of Education, Colorado State University
Peace Studies: Rebuilding post-conflict societies and the role of water
Ellen Wohl, Professor of Geosciences, Colorado State University
An environmental bill of rights for rivers
Keynote Address
David Archambault II, Chairman of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation
Standing Rock Reservation and the Dakota Access pipeline conflict