CSU Water Directory
Water at Colorado State University
CSU offers endless ways to incorporate water into your education and research. All eight colleges at CSU work in water. This directory brings together all water-related departments, degrees, courses, and organizations available through each college and offered as interdisciplinary programs.
CSU Water-Related Programs by College
Additional CSU Water Resources
College of Ag
Water-Related Departments
Water-Related Degrees
Water-Related Courses
- Advanced Soil Physics (SOCR770)
- Applied Advanced Water Resource Economics (AREC542)
- Aquatic Insects (BSPM445)
- Crop & Soil Management Systems II (SOCR421)
- Economics of Outdoor Recreation (AREC346)
- Environmental Fate of Pesticides (BSPM508)
- Forest & Range Soils (SOCR442)
- Hydrus-1D Workshop(SOCR490)
- Irrigation of Field Crops (SOCR371)
- Irrigation Principles (SOCR370)
- Landscape Grading & Drainage Studio (SOCR371)
- Landscape Irrigation (HORT367
- Landscape Irrigation & Water Conservation (HORT/LAND368)
- Micrometeorology (SOCR522)
- Soil-Plant-Water Relations/Water Stress (HORT571)
- Terrestrial Ecosystems Isotope Ecology (SOCR670)
- Water in the West (SOCR192)
- Water Law, Policy, & Institutions (AREC342)
- Water Resource Economics (AREC442)
Water-Related Organizations
- Landscape Grading & Drainage Studio (SOCR371)
- Landscape Irrigation (HORT367
- Landscape Irrigation & Water Conservation (HORT/LAND368)
- Micrometeorology (SOCR522)
- Soil-Plant-Water Relations/Water Stress (HORT571)
- Terrestrial Ecosystems Isotope Ecology (SOCR670)
- Water in the West (SOCR192)
- Water Law, Policy, & Institutions (AREC342)
- Water Resource Economics (AREC442)
Water-Related Organizations
College of Business
Water-Related Degrees
Graduate Degrees
Water-Related Courses
- Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (BUS636)
- Foundations of Sustainable Enterprise (BUS201)
College of Health and Human Sciences
Water-Related Departments
Water-Related Degrees
Undergraduate Majors
Water-Related Courses
- Consumers in the Marketplace (DM272)
- Food Systems: Impact on Health/Food Security (FSHN455)
- Retailing (DM/MKT360)
- Survey of Human Nutrition (FSHN150)
- Sustainable Practice-Design and Construction (CON476)
- Sustainable Building and Infrastructure Systems (CON521)
- Travel Abroad-Sustainable Building (CON450)
College of Liberal Arts
Water-Related Departments
Water-Related Degrees
Undergraduate Majors
Undergraduate Minors
Graduate Degrees
Water-Related Courses
- Comparative Environmental Politics (POLS749)
- Environmental Justice (SOC564
- Environmental Literature & Criticism (E636)
- Environmental Policy & Administration (POLS759)
- Environmental Sociology (SOC668)
- International Environmental Politics (POLS739)
- Political Theory & the Environment (POLS729)
- Politics of Environment & Sustainability (POLS670)
- Seminar in Environmental Policy (POLS692)
- Sociology of Disaster (SOC463)
- Sociology of Food Systems & Agriculture (SOC/AGRI562)
- Sociology of Water Resources (SOC664)
- Water, Society, & Environment (SOC461)
- World Environmental History (HIST539)
Water-Related Organizations
Water-Related Organizations
College of Natural Sciences
Water-Related Departments
Water-Related Degrees
Undergraduate Majors
Undergraduate Minors
Water-Related Courses
- Limnology (BZ/ESS474)
- Marine Biology (BZ415)
- Marine Mammology (BZ475)
- Physiological Ecology of Marine Vertebrates (BZ515)
- Stream Biology and Ecology (BZ471)
- Stream Biology and Ecology Lab (BZ472)
- Study Abroad: Baja California Sur: Practices in Marine Ecology (BZ482C)
- Study Abroad: Field Course in Dolphin Behavior and Ecology (BZ482B)
- Study Abroad: Field Marine Biology (BZ482A)
- Translocation in Plants (BZ540)
- Tropical Ecology and Evolution (BZ349)
Water-Related Organizations
Water-Related Organizations
Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering
Water-Related Departments
Water-Related Degrees
Undergraduate Majors
Undergraduate Minors
Graduate Degrees
Water-Related Courses
- Advanced Biological Wastewater Processing (CBE/CIVE540)
- Advanced Topics in Environmental Engineering (CIVE742)
- Analysis of Urban Water Systems (CIVE572)
- Applied Hydraulic System Design (CIVE510)
- Aqueous Chemistry (CIVE538)
- Atmospheric Dynamics I (ATS601)
- Basic Hydrology (CIVE322)
- Climate Dynamics: Ocean Variability (ATS765)
- Coastal Engineering (CIVE511)
- Computer-Aided Water Management & Control (CIVE645)
- Drainage & Wetlands Engineering (CIVE549)
- Engineering Hydrology (CIVE522)
- Environmental Engineering Concepts for Civil Engineers (CIVE438)
- Environmental River Mechanics (CIVE413)
- Environmental Unit Operations: Treatment Design (CIVE541)
- Erosion & Sedimentation (CIVE716)
- GIS in Civil & Environmental Engineering (CIVE577)
- Global Carbon Cycle (ATS760)
- Global Hydrologic Cycle (ATS753)
- Groundwater Engineering (CIVE423)
- Groundwater Hydrology (CIVE531)
- Groundwater Quality & Contaminant Transport (CIVE638)
- Hydraulic Engineering (CIVE401)
- Hydraulic Structures/Systems (CIVE514)
- Hydrometry (CIVE521)
- Infrastructure & Utility Management (CIVE578)
- Integrated Analysis of Coupled Water Issues (CIVE626)
- Interactions of the Ocean & Atmosphere (ATS743)
- Introduction to Climate (ATS606)
- Irrigation Systems Design (CIVE512)
- Irrigation Water Management (CIVE519)
- Land-Atmosphere Interactions (ATS761)
- Microclimate (ATS711)
- Modeling Watershed Hydrology (CIVE/WR524)
- Modern Gas & Oil (CIVE424)
- Morphodynamic Modeling (CIVE513)
- Nonpoint Source Pollution (CIVE440)
- Ocean Modeling (ATS770)
- Open Channel Flow (CIVE612)
- Physical Hydrology (CIVE520)
- Physical Oceanography (ATS610)
- Pipeline Engineering & Hydraulics (CIVE571)
- Quantitative Eco-Hydrology (CIVE625)
- Remediation Systems – Subsurface Contamination (CIVE658)
- Risk Analysis of Water/Environmental Systems (CIVE622)
- River Basin Morphology (CIVE724)
- River Mechanics (CIVE717)
- River Restoration Design (CIVE613)
- Slope Stability, Seepage, & Earth Dams (CIVE556)
- Soil & Water Engineering (CIVE425)
- Special Topics in Hydraulics (CIVE610)
- Sprinkler & Trickle Irrigation Systems (CIVE518)
- Statistics for Environmental Monitoring (CIVE547)
- Stochastic Water & Environmental Systems (CIVE721)
- Sustainable Water & Waste Management (CIVE575)
- Urban Stormwater Management (CIVE573)
- Wastewater Treatment Facility Design (CIVE437)
- Water & Wastewater Analysis (CIVE539)
- Water Engineering: International Development (CIVE525)
- Water Quality Analysis & Treatment (CIVE441)
- Water Quality Modeling (CIVE542)
- Water Resource Systems Analysis (CIVE546)
- Water Resources Planning & Management (CIVE544)
- Wells & Pumps (CIVE532)
Warner College of Natural Resources
Water-Related Departments
Water-Related Degrees
Water-Related Courses
- Advanced Physiological Ecology of Fishes (FW605)
- Advanced Snow Hydrology (WR574)
- Advanced Topics in Hydrogeology (GEOL552)
- Advanced Topics in Watershed Science (WR671)
- Applied Geophysics (GEOL442)
- Biology & Diversity of Fishes (FW300)
- Coastal Environmental Ecology (NR370)
- Conservation Methods: Watershed Sciences (NR544A)
- Conservation of Fish in Aquatic Ecosystems (FW400)
- Cumulative Effects & Watershed Analysis (WR516)
- Data Issues in Hydrology (WR674)
- Earth Systems Ecology (ESS411)
- Ecosystem Ecology (ESS311)
- Ecosystem Services: Theory & Practice (NR510)
- Ecotoxicology (FW544)
- Environmental Issues: Water Resources (NR540A)
- Evapotranspiration (WR520)
- Fish Culture (FW402)
- Fish Physiology (FW405)
- Fisheries Ecology (FW540)
- Fishery Science (FW401)
- Fluvial Geomorphology (GEOL652)
- Groundwater Modeling (GEOL551)
- Hillslope Hydrology & Runoff Processes (WR616)
- Hydrogeology (GEOL452)
- Independent Study-Watershed Resources (WR465)
- Internship Credits (WR487)
- Land Use & Water Quality (WR418)
- Land Use Hydrology (WR416)
- Modeling Watershed Hydrology (WR/CIVE524)
- Natural Resource Inventory & Data Analysis (NR566)
- Oceanography (NR150)
- Online: GIS & Data Analysis in Water Resources (WR514)
- Riparian Ecology & Management (RS565)
- Seasonal Snow Environments (WR406)
- Seminar on Remote Sensing & GIS (NR793)
- Snow Hydrology (WR4747)
- Snow Hydrology Field Methods (WR5757)
- Special Uses Management (WR433)
- Sustainable Watersheds (WR/GR)
- Sustaining River Ecosystems in Changing World (FW/BZ568)
- Travel Abroad: Marine Ecotourism – Bahamas (NRRT321)
- Water Law for Non-Lawyers (WR512)
- Water Quality Analyses (WR419)
- Water Quality for Wildland Managers (WR714)
- Water Resource Development (WR511)
- Watershed Field Practicum (WR486)
- Watershed Management in Developing Countries (WR510)
- Watershed Measurements (WR417)
- Watershed Problem Analysis (WR440)
- Watershed Systems (WR712)
- Wetland Ecology & Restoration (NR577)
- Wildlife Habitat Management on Private Land (FW557)
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Water-Related Departments
Water-Related Degrees
Graduate Degrees
Water-Related Courses
- Environmental Contaminant Modeling I & II (ERHS563 & ERHS765)
- Environmental Contaminants: Exposure & Fate (ERHS448)
- Environmental Health: Water Quality (ERHS320)
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Interdisciplinary Programs
Interdisciplinary Programs
Water-Related Degrees
Graduate Degrees
- Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
- InTERFEWS Graduate Program (Interdisciplinary Training, Education and Research in Food-Energy-Water Systems)
Water-Related Courses
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in Ecology (ECOL592)
- Law & Sustainability (GES460)
- Sea Level Rise & a Sustainable Future (GES480A3)
- Water Resources Seminar (GRAD592)
- Water Sustainability in the Western US (GES120)
Water-Related Organizations
- Africa Center
- Center for Collaborative Conservation
- Center for Energy Water Sustainability
- Center for Multiscale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes
- Colorado Water Center
- Confucius Institute
- CSU Extension Water Quality Program
- CSU-CHILL National Weather Radar Facility
- Energy Institute
- Environmental Quality Laboratory
- International Water Working Group
- One Water Solutions Institute
- Salazar Center
- School of Global Environmental Sustainability
- Sustainable Bioenergy Development Center
- Water Resources Archive