Water Massive Open Online Courses
The Colorado Water Center has partnered with CSU Online and the Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT) to develop a Massive Open Online Course, popularly known as a MOOC. MOOCs are noncredit, student-interaction-based programs that provide educational access to the public at no cost. They are typically less immersive than credit courses you would find at a university, offering more generalized content that is meant to provide you with a breadth of understanding across the subject matter. MOOCs feature instructor-driven content with a heavy emphasis on student participation. This student-to-student communication creates knowledge and discoveries that enrich the course with a social aspect and shared experiences.
“I signed up for this course with the hopes that I might pick up a few tidbits of knowledge to help build my frame of reference on the subject and was delighted to find that the information you folks presented far and away exceeded my expectations.”
– 2015 MOOC Participant
Colorado Water Center Sponsored MOOCs
Water Scarcity: Crisis and Response
What happens when water runs out, and why does it occur? How can we ensure an adequate fresh water supply for all? Examine the reasons for diminishing water supplies, the conflicts that arise over water, and what can be done to ensure adequate water supplies for people and nature.
Water for the People: Gender, Human Rights, and Diplomacy
We all need water every day, yet 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water. For many, obtaining water for their families is a difficult, time-consuming task, falling heavily on the shoulders of women and girls. There is widespread agreement that people have a basic human right to the water needed to sustain life, yet this right has not been realized for nearly one of every seven people on earth. This course covers issues of gender inequality and human rights in relation to water, and the diplomatic efforts that are helping to improve access to water.
Water, Civilization, and Nature: Addressing Water Challenges of the 21st Century
Recent water issues, increasing populations worldwide, and variations in climate have impacted our water supply, creating questions and issues we have never been challenged with before. This free online course offers an in-depth look at these issues guided by Colorado State University, a leader in water science and studies. The course is taught by more than ten CSU water faculty, and is especially valuable for those interested in the fields of water, civil engineering, conservation, public health, fishery/wildlife, agriculture, governance, and conflicts related to water.
Water MOOCs Around the World