Water Education at CSU
The tradition of CSU as a land grant university drives our mission to provide student-centered education addressing the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Issues surrounding water supply, water quality, and ecological water relationships are increasingly important as population growth continues and water uses multiply. The complexity of these issues, and competition among various water users, demands that students interested in pursuing careers in water gain a broad introduction to the issues while specializing within a particular discipline.
CSU has a rich history and offering of water-related degrees and interdisciplinary experiences. Students can take advantage of the university’s expertise and broaden their backgrounds in order to prepare for employment or graduate-level work.
The Colorado Water Center offers educational opportunities focused on water. Students from any major are invited to explore water-related courses and programs at CSU.

CoWC Water Programs and Courses
Sustainable Water Interdisciplinary Minor (SWIM)
Undergraduate students of any major gain deeper knowledge about the many dimensions of water. Take courses covering the foundations and context of water issues that meet the requirements of your major and enhance your degree with connections across disciplines. Learn more about the flexible options available.
Courses at CSU
Water Sustainability in the Western US (GES 120)
This introductory class provides an overview of the sustainability challenges of our communities in the west.
Interdisciplinary Water Resources Seminar (GRAD592)
This seminar series features interdisciplinary experts on a new theme each year.
Online Courses
Water Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
CoWC developed three noncredit courses that are free and open to the public delivering a breadth of information.
CSU Water Degrees and Courses
Learn about water through diverse opportunities across campus.
Explore the CSU Water Directory of water-related departments, programs, degrees, courses, and organizations at CSU.