Poudre Runs Through It Study/Action Initiatives
PRTI Initiatives
This new PRTI initiative serves to increase coordination and communication among consumptive and non-consumptive water users that will benefit the healthy and working aspects of the Poudre River. The Committee includes PRTI members, ditch companies representatives, staff from local municipalities, and members of the recreation and environmental communities. The committee meets on a regular basis to share information and coordinate flow activity on the river whenever possible.
The Poudre Basin Information website is an initiative to develop information that supports education, dialogue on issues, and decision-making. The Open Water Foundation is leading the effort to develop this resource, integrating cross-jurisdictional datasets and information from various sources, including the PRTI membership. The resources on this website also support current and future PRTI initiatives.
The annual Poudre River Forum brings together those on the Poudre who farm, deliver clean potable water, drink beer, recreate, and advocate for river health to learn from one another and to explore how we can move from conflict to collaboration. Join us at each year’s event to learn and engage with other Poudre River enthusiasts!
More information
www.PoudreForum.com | Connect with us on Facebook @PRTIworkgroup | #PoudreRiverForum
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