Publications Database
The Colorado Water Center, previously known as the Colorado Water Resources Research Institute and the Colorado Water Institute, has published hundreds of water-related research reports and studies dating back to 1965.
Number | Name | Author(s) | Date | Link |
238 | River Adjustment and Flood Hazards on the Colorado Front Range | 8/1/2018 | CR 238 | |
237 | Mountain Basin Hydrologic Study | Douglas D. Woolridge, Jeffrey D. Niemann | 12/1/2018 | CR 237 |
236 | Bark Beetle Impacts on Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration in Colorado Rocky Mountains | John F. Knowles, Noah P. Molotoch | 1/1/2019 | CR 236 |
235 | Hydrologic and Water Quality Collection for Colorado’s Upper Arkansas River Basin | Timothy K. Gates, Jeffrey D. Niemann | 1/1/2019 | CR 235 |
234 | Constructing and Testing a Refined Groundwater Flow Model for the LaSalle/Gilcrest Area | Ryan T. Bailey, Chenda Deng | 8/1/2018 | CR 234 |
233 | Snow Depth Measurement via Time Lapse Photography and Automated Image Recognition | Kevin S. J. Brown, Steven R. Fassnacht | 1/1/2019 | CR 233 |
232.5 | Agricultural Water Conservation in the Colorado River Basin: Alternatives to Permanent Fallowing Research Synthesis and Outreach Workshops Part 5 of 5 | Brad Udall, Greg Peterson | 12/14/2017 | CR 232.5 |
232.4 | Agricultural Water Conservation in the Colorado River Basin: Alternatives to Permanent Fallowing Research Synthesis and Outreach Workshops Part 4 of 5 | Brad Udall, Greg Peterson | 12/14/2017 | CR 232.4 |
232.3 | Agricultural Water Conservation in the Colorado River Basin: Alternatives to Permanent Fallowing Research Synthesis and Outreach Workshops Part 3 of 5 | Brad Udall, Greg Peterson | 12/14/2017 | CR 232.3 |
232.2 | Agricultural Water Conservation in the Colorado River Basin: Alternatives to Permanent Fallowing Research Synthesis and Outreach Workshops Part 2 of 5 | Brad Udall, Greg Peterson | 12/14/2017 | CR 232.2 |
232.1 | Agricultural Water Conservation in the Colorado River Basin: Alternatives to Permanent Fallowing Research Synthesis and Outreach Workshops Part 1 of 5 | Brad Udall, Greg Peterson | 12/14/2017 | CR 232.1 |
231 | Using Remote Sensing Assessments to Document Consumptive Use (CU) on Alfalfa and Grass Hayfields Managed Under Reduced and Full Irrigation Regimes | Perry E. Cabot, Aman Vashisht and José L. Chávez | 8/23/2017 | CR 231 |
230 | Management of Large Wood in Streams of Colorado’s Front Range: A Risk Analysis Based on Physical, Biological, and Social Factors | Ellen Wohl, Kevin Bestgen, Brian Bledsoe, Kurt Fausch, Mike Gooseff, Natalie Kramer | 3/22/2017 | CR 230 |
229 | Reconstructing a Water Balance for North Crestone Creek: Streamflow Variability and Extremes in a Snowmelt Dominated Internal Drainage Basin | Niah B. H. Venable and Steven R. Fassnacht | 2/24/2015 | CR 229 |
228 | Water Quality Impacts of the Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation in the Rocky Mountain West | John McCray | 12/5/2014 | CR 228 |
227 | Social Network Analysis Workshop for Water and Resource Management | Margaret T. Herzog, John W. Labadie, and Neil S. Grigg | 12/5/2014 | CR 227 |
226 | HB 12-1278 Study of the South Platte River Alluvial Aquifer | Reagan Waskom | 7/3/2014 | CR 226 |
225 | Adjoint Modeling to Quantify Stream Flow Changes Due to Aquifer Pumping | Roseanna M. Neupauer | 11/1/2013 | CR 225 |
224 | Relative Cost of New Water Supply Options for Front Range Cities | Douglas S. Kenney | 6/1/2011 | CR 224 |
223 | Paleohydrology of the Lower Colorado River Basin and Implications for Water Supply Availability | Jeffery J. Lukas, Lisa Wade, and Balaji Rajagopalan | 10/1/2012 | CR 223 |
222 | Hydrologic Analysis and Process-Based Modeling for the Upper Cache La Poudre Basin | Stephanie K. Kampf and Eric E. Richer | 10/1/2010 | CR 222 |
221 | Irrigation Practices, Water Consumption, & Return Flows in Colorado’s Lower Arkansas River Valley | Timothy K. Gates, Luis A. Garcia, Ryan A. Hemphill, Eric D. Morway, and Aymn Elhaddad | 6/1/2012 | CR 221 |
220 | Direct Determination of Crop Evapotranspiration in the Arkansas Valley with a Weighing Lysimeter | Abdel Berrada | 1/1/2011 | CR 220 |
219 | Simultaneous Water Quality Monitoring and Fecal Pollution Source Tracking in the Colorado Big Thompson Water Project | Lawrence Goodridge, Claudia Gentry-Weeks, and Douglas Rice | 12/1/2009 | CR 219 |
218 | Transport Relationships Between Bedload Traps and a 3-Inch Helley-Smith Sampler in Coarse Gravel-Bed Streams and Development of Adjustment Functions | Kristin Bunte, Steven R. Abt | 12/1/2009 | CR 218 |
217 | Detecting Trends in Evapotranspiration in Colorado | W. Austin Clifford, Nolan J. Doesken | 12/1/2009 | CR 217 |
216 | Occurrence of Steroid Sex Hormones in the Cache la Poudre River, and Pathways for their Removal in the Environment | Thomas Borch, Jessica Davis, Yun-Ya Yang, and Robert Young | 11/1/2009 | CR 216 |
215 | Risk Assessment And Forecasting Of Indian Summer Monsoon For Agricultural Drought Impact Planning | Balaji Rajagopalan | 6/1/2009 | CR 215 |
214 | Examining the Impact of Shallow Groundwater on Evapotranspiration from Uncultivated Land in Colorados Lower Arkansas River Valley | Brandon M. Lehman, Niklas U. Hallberg, Jeffrey D. Niemann and Timothy K. Gates | 4/1/2010 | CR 214 |
213 | Long Range Forecasting Of Colorado Streamflows Based On Hydrologic, Atmospheric, And Oceanic Data | Jose D. Salas, Chongjin Fu and Balaji Rajagopalan | 8/1/2010 | CR 213 |
212 | Development of Characterization Approaches and a Management Tool for the Ground Water-Surface Water System in the Vicinity of Sutherland Reservoir and Gerald Gentlemen Station Lincoln County, Nebraska | Clint P. Carney and Eileen P. Poeter | 10/1/2009 | CR 212 |
211 | Development of Oilseed Crops for Biodiesel Production Under Colorado Limited Irrigation Conditions | Jerry Johnson, Jean-Nicolas Enjalbert, Joel Schneekloth, Alan Helm, Ravi Malhotra, Daren Coonrod | 4/1/2009 | CR 211 |
210 | Occurrence and Fate of Trace Organic Contaminants in Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems and Implications for Water Quality Management | Kathleen E. Conn, Robert L. Siegrist | 3/1/2009 | CR 210 |
209 | Some Economic Effects of Changing Augmentation Rules in Colorado’s Lower South Platte Basin: Producer Survey and Regional Economic Impact Analysis | Jennifer Thorvaldson, James Pritchett | 7/1/2007 | CR 209 |
208 | Impact of Steamflow Variability on the Colorado River System Operation | Julia A. Keedy, Jose D. Salas, and Darrell Fontane Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado and David Merritt Colorado River Water Conservation District Glenwood Springs, Colorado | 5/1/2007 | CR 208 |
207 | Economic Impact Analysis of Reduced Irrigated Acreage in Four River Basins in Colorado | Jennifer Thorvaldson, James Pritchett | 12/1/2006 | CR 207 |
206 | Salt Chemistry Effects on Salinity Assessment in the Arkansas River Basin, Colorado | Curtis Allen Cooper, Grant Cardon, and Jessica Davis | 3/1/2006 | CR 206 |
205 | Toward Optimal Water Management in Colorado’s Lower Arkansas River Valley: Monitoring and Modeling to Enhance Agriculture and Environment | Timothy Gates, Luis Garcia, and John Labadie | 6/1/2006 | CR 205 |
204 | Urban Landscape Irrigation with Recycled Wastewater | Yaling Qian. | 3/1/2006 | CR 204 |
203 | South Platte Mapping and Analysis Program (SPMAP): Implementation of a User-Centered Decision Support Tool | Luis A. Garcia, David A. Patterson, Leslie A. Patterson in cooperation with Jon Altenhofen and James R. Hall | 5/1/2005 | CR 203 |
202 | Effectiveness of Forestry Related Best Management Practices in the Trout Creek Watershed, Colorado | Nani Bay Teves and John D. Stednick | 5/1/2005 | CR 202 |
201 | Determination Of Ecosystem Response Thresholds To Nutrient Enrichment Of Flowing Waters In Montane Colorado | William M. Lewis, Jr. | 2/1/2005 | CR 201 |
200 | Investigation Of The Fate Of Individual Sewage Disposal System Effluent In Turkey Creek Basin, Colorado | Kathy Dano, Eileen Poeter and Geoff Thyne | 5/1/2004 | CR 200 |
199 | Protocol For A State-Wide Ground Water Quality Monitoring Program And Establishment Of A Ground Water Clearing House | Nancy O’Keeffe and Grant Cardon. | 2/1/2004 | CR 199 |
198 | Brassy Minnow In Colorado Plains Streams: Identification, Historical Distribution, And Habitat Requirements At Multiple Scales | Julie A. Scheurer and Kurt D. Fausch. | 1/1/2002 | CR 198 |
197 | Design Of A Denver Water Quality Information System | Justin C. Twenter and Jim C. Loftis | 12/1/2003 | CR 197 |
196 | Forests And Water: A State-Of-The-Art Review For Colorado | Lee MacDonald and John D. Stednick. | 11/1/2003 | CR 196 |
195 | Applicability Of Trophic Status Indicators To Colorado Plains Reservoirs | John D. Stednick and Emile Hall. | 11/17/2003 | CR 195 |
194 | Eutrophication Of Reservoirs On The Colorado Front Range | Brian Gelder, Jim Loftis, Marci Koski, Brett Johnson, and Laurel Saito. | 11/17/2003 | CR 194 |
193 | South Platte Mapping And Analysis Program (Spmap) Decision Support Tools For The Lower South Platte | Luis A. Garcia, Dave Patterson, and Robert W. Lange; in cooperation with Jon Altenhofen, James R. Hall, Forrest Leaf, and Jack Odor. | 2/20/2003 | CR 193 |
192 | Laws Influencing Community-Based Conservation In Colorado And The American West: A Primer | Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado, Available from CU | 5/1/2000 | CR 192 |
191 | Evaluation Of Samson For Use In A South Platte Decision Support System | John H. Raymond, Luis A. Garcia, and Robert Lange; in cooperation with John Altenhofen, Ray Bennett, James R. Hall, Forest Leaf and Jack Odor. | 12/1/1996 | CR 191 |
190 | Irrigation Water Conservation: Opportunities And Limitations In Colorado-A Report Of The Agricultural Water Conservation Task Force | D. H. Smith, Kathleen Klein, Richard Bartholomay, Isreal Broner, G.E. Cardon, W.M. Frasier, Rod Kuharich, D.C. Lile, Mike Gross, Dan Parker, Hal Simpson, and Eric Wilkinson. | 12/1/1996 | CR 190 |
189 | Consumptive Use And Return Flows In Urban Water Use | Ramchand Oad and Michael DiSpigno, with contributions from David L. Nettles, State Engineer’s Office, and Philip C. Saletta and Kevin D. Lusk, Colorado Springs Utilities Water Resources Department. | 3/1/2005 | CR 189 |
188 | Changes In Morphology And Endangered Fish Habitat In The Colorado River | John Pitlick and Mark Van Steeter. | 10/1/1984 | CR 188 |
187 | Developing A Biotic Index For Colorado Stream Quality | Scott A. Grotheer, J.M. Chudd, Sen-Her Shieh, N.J. Voelz and J.V. Ward. SEE OPEN FILE REPORT No. 8 | 11/1/1994 | CR 187 |
186 | An Integrated Economic Hydrologic Model For Groundwater Basin Management | Islam M. Faisal, Robert A. Young and James W. Warner. SEE OPEN FILE REPORT No. 7 | 5/1/1994 | CR 186 |
185 | Field Assessment Of Stream/Aquifer Interaction Under Simi-Arid Conditions And Problems With Computer Representation | Lisa L. Bissett and Eileen P. Poeter SEE OPEN FILE REPORT No. 6 | 6/1/1994 | CR 185 |
184 | Best Management Practices For Irrigated Agriculture: A Guide For Colorado Producers | R.M. Waskom, G.E. Cardon, and M.A. Crookston. | 8/1/1994 | CR 184 |
183 | Improved Estimates Of Economic Damages From Residential Use Of Mineralized Water | Guy E. Ragan, Carole Makela and Robert A. Young. | 8/1/1993 | CR 183 |
182 | Reference Evapotranspiration Maps For Colorado | Luc Claessens, Luis Garcia and Marvin Jensen. | 1/21/1994 | CR 182 |
181 | Spatial Distribution Of Nitrate Leaching ‘Hot Spots’ And Nitrate Contributions To The South Platte River Basin Aquifers | B.K. Wylie, D.G. Wagner, R.M. Hoffer, S. Maxwell and M.J. Shaffer. | 12/1/1993 | CR 181 |
180 | Heavy Metal Removal From Waters by Mountain Meadow Bogs | E.W. Brennan and W.L. Lindsay. | 12/15/1993 | CR 180 |
179 | Impact Of Irrigation Water Use On Water Quality In The Central Colorado Water Conservancy District | Henriette Emond, Jim C. Loftis, and Terence Podmore. | 12/15/1993 | CR 179 |
178 | Improvements In The Colorado Ammonia Model by Simultaneous Computation Of Extremes In Flow And Water Chemistry | William M. Lewis and James F. Saunders, III. | 11/1/1993 | CR 178 |
177 | Agricultural To Urban Water Transfers In Colorado: An Assessment Of The Issues And Options | Teresa A. Rice and Lawrence J. MacDonnell. | 12/1/1993 | CR 177 |
176 | Effects Of Flow Diversion On Downstream Channel Form In Mountain Streams | Sandra Ryan and Nel Caine. | 12/1/1993 | CR 176 |
175 | Economic Factors Affecting Residential Water Demand In Colorado | Laurie L. Walters and Robert A. Young. SEE OPEN FILE REPORT No. 5 | 5/1/1994 | CR 175 |
174 | The Economic Impact Due To Drawdown On Colorado’s Recreation Reservoirs | K-Lynn Cameron and Robert Young. SEE OPEN FILE REPORT No. 4 | CR 174 | |
173 | The Role Of The South Platte Tributary Aquifer In Ne Colorado Irrigated Agriculture: Results Of A Survey | P.K. Bash and R.A. Young. SEE OPEN FILE REPORT No.3 | 6/1/1994 | CR 173 |
172 | Enhanced Microbial Reclamation Of Groundwater Polluted With Toxic Organic Chemicals | S.K. Schmidt. | CR 172 | |
171 | Some Economic Impacts Of A Rural-To-Urban Water Transfer: A Case Study Of Crowley County, Colorado | R.G. Taylor,R. A. Young and J.R. McKean. SEE ALSO OPEN FILE REPORT No. 2 | 11/1/1993 | CR 171 |
170 | An Approach To Modeling A Stream-Aquifer System For Conjunctive Management | H.J. Morel-Seytoux, Chuanmian Zhang and R.A. Young. SEE OPEN FILE REPORT No. 1 | 5/1/1990 | CR 170 |
169 | Field Verification Of Stream/Aquifer Interaction, Colorado School Of Minessurvey Field, Golden, Colorado | Evan R. Anderman and Eileen Poeter. | 6/1/1993 | CR 169 |
168 | Fate Of Heavy Metals In Colorado Waters And Rivers | E.W. Brennan and W. L. Lindsay. | 12/15/1992 | CR 168 |
167 | Bioaccumulation Of Heavy Metals by Brown Trout (Salmo Trutta) In The Arkansas River: Importance Of Food Chain Transfer | William H. Clements. | 12/1/1992 | CR 167 |
166 | Mutual Irrigation Company Monitoring Of Main Canal Nitrogen Levels | John Wilkins-Wells and David Freeman. | 12/1/1992 | CR 166 |
165 | Estimation Of Groundwater Recharge Using Neutron Probe Moisture Readings Near Golden, Colorado | Nicholas J. Kiusalaas and Eileen P. Poeter. | 11/16/1992 | CR 165 |
164 | Forecasting Streamflow For Colorado River Systems | D.C. Wang and J.D. Salas. | 12/1/1991 | CR 164 |
163 | Fate And Effects Of Heavy Metals On The Arkansas River | William H. Clements. | 12/15/1991 | CR 163 |
162 | Field Demonstration Of Biological Denitrification Of Polluted Groundwater And Pilot Scale Field Testing Of Biological Denitrification With Widely Varied Hydraulic Loading Rates | Nevis E. Cook, Jr., JoAnn Silverstein, Bill Veydovec, Maria Marcia de Mendonca, and Roger Sydney. | 12/1/1991 | CR 162 |
161 | Economic Impacts Of Alternative Water Allocation Institutions In The Colorado River Basin | James F. Booker and Robert A. Young. | 8/1/1991 | CR 161 |
160 | A Modeling Approach For Assessing The Feasibility Of Groundwater Withdrawal From The Denver Basin During Periods Of Drought | Sigurd Jaunarajs and Eileen Poeter. | 4/1/1991 | CR 160 |
159 | Adsorption Of Copper, Cadmium, And Zinc On Suspended Sediments In A Stream Contaminated by Acid Mine Drainage: The Effect Of Seasonal Changes In Dissolved Organic Carbon | Donald L. Macalady James F. Ranville, Kathleen S. Smith, and Stephen R. Daniel. | 1/1/1991 | CR 159 |
158 | Urban Water Supply Reliability: Preferences Of Managers, Elected Officials And Water Users In Boulder, Colorado | Charles W. Howe, Lynne Bennett, Charles M. Brendecke, J. Ernest Flack, Robert M. Hamm, Roger Mann, Lee Rozaklis, Mark Griffin Smith, and Karl Wunderlich. | 12/1/1990 | CR 158 |
157 | Screening Methods For Groundwater Pollution Potential From Pesticide Use In Colorado Agriculture | Deanna S. Durnford, Kirk R. Thompson, David A. Ellerbroek, Jim C. Loftis, G. Scott Davies, and Kenneth W. Knutson. | 12/31/1990 | CR 157 |
156 | Potential Pesticide Transport In Colorado Agriculture: A Model Comparison | Walter L. Niccoli, Jim C. Loftis and Deanna S. Durnford. | 9/30/1989 | CR 156 |
155 | Rivint – An Improved Code For Simulating Surface/Groundwater Intereactions With Modflow | Judith Schenk and Eileen Poeter. | 3/1/1990 | CR 155 |
154 | Acid Mine Drainage; Streambed Sorption Of Copper, Cadmium And Zinc | Donald L. Macalady, Kathleen S. Smith and James F. Ranville. | 1/10/1990 | CR 154 |
153 | Biological Denitrification Of Polluted Groundwater | Nevis E. Cook, Jr. And JoAnn Silverstein. | 9/1/1989 | CR 153 |
152 | Enhanced Microbial Reclamation Of Water Polluted With Toxic Organic Chemicals | Steven K. Schmidt. | 9/30/1989 | CR 152 |
151 | Water Quality And Water Rights In Colorado | Lawrence J. MacDonnell. | 7/1/1989 | CR 151 |
150 | Groundwater Faunas As Indicators Of Groundwater Quality: The South Platte River System | J.V. Ward, Neal J. Voelz, and James H. Harvey. | 2/1/1989 | CR 150 |
149 | The Economic Role Of Water In Colorado: An Input-Output Analysis | S. Lee Gray, John R. McKean and Thomas A. Miller. | 9/1/1988 | CR 149 |
148 | Integrating Tributary Groundwater Development Into The Prior Appropriation System: The South Platte Experience | Lawrence J. MacDonnell. | 8/1/1988 | CR 148 |
147 | Evaluation Of Design Flow Criteria For Effluent Discharge Permits In Colorado | Cynthia L. Paulson and Thomas G. Sanders. | 8/1/1987 | CR 147 |
146 | Geochemical Assessment Of Aquifer Recharge Effects In The Southwest Denver Basin | Andrea R. Aikin and A. Keith Turner. | 8/19/1989 | CR 146 |
145 | Impacts Of Wastewater Discharge To Fountain Creek On Nitrate Contamination In The Widefield Aquifer | Kimball Stark Loomis and James W. Warner. | 2/1/1990 | CR 145 |
144 | Recharge As Augmentation In The South Platte River Basin | James W. Warner, Daniel Sunada and Anne Hartwell. | 11/1/1986 | CR 144 |
143 | Evapotranspiration Of Native Vegetation In The Closed Basin Of The San Luis Valley, Colorado | F.L. Charles, J.A. Morgan and W.C. Bausch. | 6/1/1987 | CR 143 |
142 | The Effect Of Conservation Programs On The Quality Of Urban Lawns | Andrew s. Winje and J. Ernest Flack. | 9/30/1986 | CR 142 |
141 | Potential Groundwater Impacts From Chemigation | James W. Warner and Kit Nielsen. | 9/30/1986 | CR 141 |
140 | Monitoring Strategies For Groundwater Quality Management | J.C. Loftis, R.H. Montgomery, J. Harris, D. Nettles, P.S. Porter, R.C. Ward and T.G. Sanders. | 4/1/1986 | CR 140 |
139 | Guidelines For Developing Area-Origin Compensation | L.J. MacDonnell, Charles W. Howe, James N. Corbridge, Jr. and W. Ashley Ahrens. | 12/1/1985 | CR 139 |
138 | The Potential Of Modified Flow-Release Rules For Kingsley Dam In Meeting Crane Habitat Requirements-Platte River, Nebraska | Hsieh Wen Shen, Kim Loi Hiew and Eric Loubser. | 11/1/1985 | CR 138 |
137 | The Endangered Species Act And Water Development Within The South Platte Basin | Lawrence J. MacDonnell. | 8/1/1985 | CR 137 |
136 | Variability Of Unutilized Surface Water Supplies From The Yampa And White River Basins | H.S. When, R. Anderson, H.P. Caulfield, Jr., and S.K. Yan. | 1/1/1985 | CR 136 |
135 | Cost-Effective Design And Operation Of Urban Stormwater Control Systems: Decision-Support Software | John W. Labadie, Neil S. Grigg, Dennis M. Morrow, and David K. Robinson. | 10/1/1984 | CR 135 |
134 | Effects Of Alternative Electricity Rates And Rate Structures On Electricity And Water Use On The Colorado High Plains | R.L. Gardner, R.A. Young and Lawrence Conklin. | 10/1/1984 | CR 134 |
133 | Voluntary Basinwide Water Management: South Platte River Basin, Colorado | N.S. Grigg, H.P Caulfield, Jr., N.A. Evans, J.E. Flack, D.W. Hendricks, J.W. Labadie, D.B. McWhorter, H.J. Morel-Seytoux, W.L. Raley and R.A. Young. | 5/1/1987 | CR 133 |
132 | Specific Yield by Geophysical Logging Potential For The Denver Basin | David B. McWhorter. | 7/1/1984 | CR 132 |
131 | The Effect Of Lithology And Climate On The Morphology Of Drainage Basins In Northwestern Colorado | Sandra L. Eccker. | 6/1/1984 | CR 131 |
130 | Conjunctive Operation Of A Surface Reservoir And The Groundwater Storage Through A Hydraulically Connected Stream | H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 2/1/1984 | CR 130 |
129 | Dissolved Solids Hazards In The South Platte River Basin, Vol. II: Salt Balance Analysis | C.D. Turner and D.W. Hendricks. | 12/1/1983 | CR 129 |
128 | Dissolved Solids Hazards In The South Platte Basin, Vol. I: Salt Transport In The River | Ramon V. Gomez-Ferrer and David W. Hendricks. | 12/1/1983 | CR 128 |
127 | Mathematical Models For Prediction Of Soil Moisture Profiles | H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 7/1/1983 | CR 127 |
126 | Increasing The Economic Efficiency And Affordability Of Storm Drainage Projects | Harold C. Cochrane and Paul C. Huszar. | 9/1/1983 | CR 126 |
125 | A River Basin Network Model For Conjunctive Use Of Surface And Groundwater: Program Consim | J.W. Labadie, S. Phamwon and R.C. Lazaro. | 6/1/1983 | CR 125 |
124 | Effects Of Wilderness Legislation On Water Project Development In Colorado | Glen D. Weaver. | 5/1/1983 | CR 124 |
123 | Artificial Groundwater Recharge, San Luis Valley, Colorado | Dan Sunada. | 3/1/1983 | CR 123 |
122 | Economic Impacts Of Transferring Water From Agriculture To Alternative Uses In Colorado | Robert A. Young. | 4/1/1983 | CR 122 |
121 | Solar Heating Of Wastewater Stabilization Ponds | Stanley L. Klemetson. | 3/1/1983 | CR 121 |
120 | The Effects Of Water Conservation On New Water Supply For Urban Colorado Utilities | Carol Ellinghouse and George McCoy. | 12/1/1982 | CR 120 |
119 | Economic Issues In Resolving Conflicts In Water Use | S. Lee Gray and Robert A. Young. | 2/1/1983 | CR 119 |
118 | Economic Aspects Of Cost-Sharing Arrangements For Federal Irrigation Projects: A Case Study | G. Keleta, R.A. Young and E. Sparling. | 12/1/1982 | CR 118 |
117 | Dynamic Water Routing Using A Predictor-Corrector Method With Sediment Routing | D.B. Simons, R. M. Li, J. Garbrecht and R. K. Simons. | 9/1/1982 | CR 117 |
116 | Effects Of Releases Of Sediment From Reservoirs On Stream Biota | James V. Ward. | 11/1/1982 | CR 116 |
115 | Planning Water Reuse: Development Of Reuse Theory And The Input-Output Model, Vol. II: Application | D. Klooz and D.W Hendricks. | 9/1/1980 | CR 115 |
114 | Planning Water Reuse: Development Of Reuse Theory And The Input-Output Model, Vol. I: Fundamentals | D. Klooz and D.W. Hendricks. | 9/1/1980 | CR 114 |
113 | A Water Handbook For Metal Mining Operations | Thomas R. Wildeman. | 11/1/1981 | CR 113 |
112 | Daily Operational Tool For Maximum Beneficial Use Management Of Surface And Groundwaters In A Basin | H.J. Morel-Seytoux, Kristine L. Verdin and T.H. Illangasekare. | 3/1/1982 | CR 112 |
111 | Investigation Of Objective Functions And Operation Rulesfor Storage Reservoirs | V. Yevjevich, W.A. Hall and J.D. Salas. | 9/1/1981 | CR 111 |
110 | Geomorphic And Lithologic Controls Of Diffuse-Source Salinity, Grand Valley, Western Colorado | R.K. Johnson and S.A. Schumm. | 4/1/1982 | CR 110 |
109 | Salt- And Drought-Tolerant Crop Plants For Water Conservation | Murray W. Nabors. | 10/1/1981 | CR 109 |
108 | Waterlogging Control For Improved Water And Land Use Efficiencies: A Systematic Analysis | A. Simpson, H.J. Morel-Seytoux, R.A. Young, G.E. Radosevich, and W.T. Franklin. | 12/1/1980 | CR 108 |
107 | Role Of Sediment In Non-Point Source Salt Loading Within The Upper Colorado River Basin | H.W. Shen, J.B. Laronne, E.D. Enck, G. Sunday, K.K. Tanji, L.D. Whittig, and J.W. Biggar. | 8/1/1981 | CR 107 |
106 | Urban Lawn Irrigation And Management Practices For Water Saving With Minimum Effect On Lawn Quality | R.E. Danielson and C.M. Feldhake. | 4/1/1981 | CR 106 |
105 | Municipal Water Use In Northern Colorado: Development Of Efficiency-Of-Use Criterion | A.U. White, A.N. DiNatale, J. Greenbert, and J.E. Flack. | 9/1/1980 | CR 105 |
104 | Detection Of Water Quality Changes Through Optimal Tests And Reliability Tests | Roy W. Koch, Thomas G. Sanders, and H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 9/1/1980 | CR 104 |
103 | Empirical Application Of A Model For Estimating The Recreation Value Of Water In Reservoirs Compared To Instream Flow | Richard G. Walsh. | 12/1/1980 | CR 103 |
102 | Measuring Benefits And The Economic Value Of Water In Recreation On High Country Reservoirs | R.G. Walsh, R.Aukerman, and R. Milton. | 9/1/1980 | CR 102 |
101 | An Empirical Application Of A Model For Estimating The Recreation Value Of Instream Flow | R.G. Walsh, R.K. Ericson, D.J. Arosteguy, and M.P. Hansen. | 10/1/1980 | CR 101 |
100 | A Watershed Information System | Anton G. Thomsen and William D. Striffler. | 9/1/1980 | CR 100 |
99 | Applications Of Remote Sensing In Hydrology | William D. Striffler and Diana C. Fitz. | 9/1/1980 | CR 99 |
98 | The Effect Of Algal Inhibitors On Higher Plant Tissues | Paul Kugrens. | 7/1/1980 | CR 98 |
97 | Water Requirements For Urban Lawns In Colorado | Robert E. Danielson, William E. Hart, Charles M. Feldhake and Peter M. Haw. | 8/1/1980 | CR 97 |
96 | The Production Of Agriculturally Useful Mutant Plants With Characteristics Conductive To Salt Tolerance And Efficient Water Utilization | Murray W. Nabors. | 10/1/1979 | CR 96 |
95 | Drought-Induced Problems And Responses Of Small Towns And Rural Water Entities In Colorado: The 1976-1978 Drought | Charles W. Howe. | 6/1/1980 | CR 95 |
94 | Consolidation Of Irrigation Systems: Phase II, Engineering, Economic, Legal, And Sociological Requirements | E.C. Vlachos, P.C. Huszar, G.E. Radosevich and G.V. Skogerboe. | 5/1/1980 | CR 94 |
93 | Application Of Geomorphic Principles To Environmental Management In Semiarid Regions | S.A Schumm, M.T. Bradley and Z.B. Begin. | 2/1/1980 | CR 93 |
92 | Hydraulic Conductivity Of Mountain Soils | Owen R. Williams, Stanley L. Ponce, James R. Meiman and Mark Spearnak. | 9/1/1978 | CR 92 |
91 | Economic Benefits From Instream Flow In A Colorado Mountain Stream | John T. Daubert, Robert A. Young and S. Lee Gray. | 6/1/1979 | CR 91 |
90 | Models For System Water Planning With Special Reference To Water Reuse | D.W Hendricks and H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 6/1/1978 | CR 90 |
89 | Synthesis And Calibration Of A River Basin Water Management Model | John M. Shafer and John W. Labadie. | 10/1/1978 | CR 89 |
88 | Institutional Arrangements For Effective Water Management In Colorado | Phillip O. Foss. | 11/1/1978 | CR 88 |
87 | Development Of A Stream-Aquifer Model Suited For Management | H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 8/1/1978 | CR 87 |
86 | Development Of A Drainage And Flood Control Management Program For Urbanizing Communities – Part II | E.J. Riordan, N.S. Grigg and R.L. Hiller. | 9/1/1978 | CR 86 |
85 | Development Of A Drainage And Flood Control Management Program For Urbanizing Communities – Part I | E.J. Riordan, N.S. Grigg and R.L. Hiller. | 9/1/1978 | CR 85 |
84 | Pollutional Characteristics Of Stormwater Runoff | Edwin R. Bennett and K. Daniel Linstedt. | 9/1/1978 | CR 84 |
83 | Modeling The Dynamic Response Of Floodplains To Urbanization In Eastern New England | Donald O. Doehring and Mark E. Smith. | 1/1/1978 | CR 83 |
82 | Development Of A Subsurface Hydrologic Model And Use For Integrated Management Of Surface And Subsurface Water Resources | H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 12/1/1977 | CR 82 |
81 | Achieving Urban Water Conservation: Testing Community Acceptance | Robert W. Snodgrass and Duane W. Hill. | 9/1/1977 | CR 81 |
80 | Achieving Urban Water Conservation, A Handbook | Ernest J. Flack, Wade P. Weakley and Duane W. Hill. | 9/1/1977 | CR 80 |
79 | Evaluation Of The Storage Of Diffuse Sources Of Salinity In The Upper Colorado River Basin | J.B. Laronne and S.A. Schumm. | 9/1/1977 | CR 79 |
78 | Selecting And Planning High Country Reservoirs For Recreation Within A Multipurpose Management Framework | R. Aukerman, C.A. Carlson, R.L. Hiller and J.W. Labadie. | 6/1/1975 | CR 78 |
77 | Evaporation Of Wastewater From Mountain Cabins | John C. Ward. | 3/1/1977 | CR 77 |
76 | Determination Of Snow Depth And Water Equivalent by Remote Sensing | Harold W. Steinhoff and Albert H. Barnes. | 6/1/1976 | CR 76 |
75 | Physical And Economic Effects On The Local Agricultural Economy Of Water Transfer To Cities | R.L. Anderson, N.I. Wengert, and R.D. Heil. | 10/1/1976 | CR 75 |
74 | The Relevance Of Technological Change In Long Term Water Resources Planning | Roger G. Kraynick and Charles W. Howe. | 10/1/1976 | CR 74 |
73 | Production Of Mutant Plants Conducive To Salt Tolerance | M.W. Nabors. | 7/1/1976 | CR 73 |
72 | Toxic Heavy Metals In Groundwater Of A Portion Of The Front Range Mineral Belt | Ronald W. Klusman and Kenneth W. Edwards. | 6/1/1976 | CR 72 |
71 | Salt Transport In Soil Profiles With Application To Irrigation Return Flow – The Dissolution And Transport Of Gypsum In Soils | T.K. Glas and D.B. McWhorter. | 1/1/1976 | CR 71 |
70 | An Economic Analysis Of Water Use In Colorado’s Economy | S. Lee Gray. | 12/1/1975 | CR 70 |
69 | Engineering And Ecological Evaluation Of Antitranspirants For Increasing Runoff In Colorado Watersheds | Frank Kreith. | 9/1/1975 | CR 69 |
68 | Systematic Design Of Legal Regulations For Optimal Surface-Groundwater Usage – Phase 2 | H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 9/1/1975 | CR 68 |
67 | Toxic Heavy Metals In Groundwater Of A Portion Of The Front Mineral Belt | Kenneth W. Edwards and Ronald W. Klusman. | 6/1/1975 | CR 67 |
66 | Individual Home Wastewater Characterization And Treatment | Edwin R. Bennett and K. Daniel Linstedt. | 7/1/1975 | CR 66 |
65 | Urban Drainage And Flood Control Projects: Economic, Legal And Financial Aspects | Neil S. Grigg, L.S. Tucker, Leonard Rice, and J. Shoemaker. | 7/1/1975 | CR 65 |
64 | Computer Estimates Of Natural Recharge From Soil Moisture Data- High Plains Of Colorado | Robert A. Longenbaugh. | 7/1/1975 | CR 64 |
63 | Analysis Of Colorado Precipitation | Marie Kuo and Stephen Cox. | 6/1/1975 | CR 63 |
62 | Feasibility And Potential And Enhancing Water Recreation Opportunities On High Country Reservoirs | Robert Aukerman. | 6/1/1975 | CR 62 |
61 | Economic And Institutional Analysis Of Colorado Water Quality Management | Robert A. Young, G.E. Radosevich, S.L. Gray, and Kenneth Leathers. | 3/1/1975 | CR 61 |
60 | Research Needs As Related To The Development Of Sediment Standards In Rivers | Johannes Gessler. | 3/1/1975 | CR 60 |
59 | A System For Geologic Evaluation Of Pollution At Mountain Dwelling Sites | James P. Waltz. | 1/1/1975 | CR 59 |
58 | Primary Data On Economic Activity And Water Use In Prototype Oil Shale Development Areas Of Colorado: An Initial Inquiry | S. Lee Gray. | 6/1/1974 | CR 58 |
57 | Snow-Air Interactions And Management Of Mountain Watershed Snowpack | James R. Meiman and Lewis O. Grant. | 6/1/1974 | CR 57 |
56 | Evaluation And Implementation Of Urban Drainage And Flood Control Projects | Neil S. Grigg, Leonard R. Rice, Leslie H. Bothan, and W.J. Shoemaker. | 6/1/1974 | CR 56 |
55 | Water Law In Relation To Environmental Quality | David Allardice, George C. Radosevich, Kenneth R. Kobel, and Gustav A. Swanson. | 3/31/1974 | CR 55 |
54 | Geological Factors In The Evaluation Of Water Pollution Potential At Mountain Dwelling Sites | L.K. Burns, D.R. McCrumb, and S.M. Morrison. | 12/1/1973 | CR 54 |
53 | Systematic Design Of Legal Regulations For Optimal Surface – Groundwater Usage – Phase 1 | H.J. Morel-Seytoux, R.A. Young and G.E. Radosevich. | 8/1/1973 | CR 53 |
52 | Consolidation Of Irrigation Systems: Phase 1 – Engineering, Legal, And Sociological Constraints And/Or Facilitators | Gaylord V. Skogerboe, George E. Radosevich, and Evan C. Vlachos. | 6/1/1973 | CR 52 |
51 | An Experimental Study Of Soil Water Flow Systems Involving Hysteresis | A. Klute and R.W. Gillham. | 8/1/1973 | CR 51 |
50 | Systematic Treatment Of Infiltration With Applications | H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 6/1/1973 | CR 50 |
49 | Improvements In Moving Sprinkler Irrigation Systems For Conservation Of Water | Donald J. Miles. | 6/1/1972 | CR 49 |
48 | Institutional Requirements For Optimal Water Quality Management In Arid Urban Areas | W.R. Walker, G.V. Skogerboe, R.C. Ward and T.L. Huntzinger. | 6/1/1972 | CR 48 |
47 | Coordination Of Agricultural And Urban Water Quality Management In The Utah Lake Drainage Area | W.R. Walker, T.L. Huntzinger, and G.V. Skogerboe (Partial Completion Report). | 6/1/1973 | CR 47 |
46 | Evaluation Of Urban Water Management Policies In The Denver Metropolitan Area | W. Walker, R. Ward, and G. Skogerboe (Partial Completion Report). | 6/1/1973 | CR 46 |
45 | Mathematical Modeling Of Water Management Strategies In Urbanizing River Basins | Wynn R. Walker and G.V. Skogerboe (Partial Completion Report). | 6/1/1973 | CR 45 |
44 | Economic, Political, And Legal Aspects Of Colorado Water Law | G.E. Radosevich, K.C. Nobe. R.L. Meek and J.E. Flack. | 2/1/1973 | CR 44 |
43 | Experiments In Small Watershed Response | E.F. Schulz and V. Yevjevich. | 12/1/1972 | CR 43 |
42 | Theory And Experiments In The Prediction Of Small Watershed Response | E.F. Schulz and V. Yevjevich. | 12/1/1972 | CR 42 |
41 | Ground Water Recharge As Affected by Surface Vegetation And Management | A. Klute, R.E. Danielson, D.R. Linden and Philip Hamaker. | 12/31/1972 | CR 41 |
40 | Selection Of Test Variable For Minimal Time Detection Of Basin Response To Natural Of Induced Changes | H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 12/1/1972 | CR 40 |
39 | Institutions For Urban-Metropolitan Water Management: Essays In Social Theory | Norman Wengert. | 11/1/1972 | CR 39 |
38 | Water Quality Management Decisions In Colorado | Steven R. Nichols, Gaylord V. Skogerboe and Robert C. Ward. | 6/1/1972 | CR 38 |
37 | Searching In Social Science Literature On Water: A Guide To Selected Information Storage And Retrieval Systems -Preliminary Version | Fred Hogge and Norman Wengert. | 9/1/1972 | CR 37 |
36 | Urban-Metropolitan Institutions For Water Planning Development And Management: An Analysis Of Usages Of The Term “Institutions” | N. Wengert. | 9/1/1972 | CR 36 |
35 | An Application Of Multi-Variate Analysis In Hydrology | V. Yevjevich, M. Dynr-Nielsen, and E.F. Schulz. | 8/1/1972 | CR 35 |
34 | The Mechanism Of Waste Treatment At Low Temperature, Part B: Sanitary Engineering | John C. Ward, John S. Hunter and Richard P. Johansen. | 8/1/1972 | CR 34 |
33 | The Mechanism Of Waste Treatment At Low Temperature, Part A: Microbiology | S.M. Morrison, Gary C. Newton, George D. Boone and Kirke L. Martin. | 8/1/1972 | CR 33 |
32 | Bacterial Movement Through Fractured Bedrock | S.M. Morrison and Martin J. Allen. | 7/1/1972 | CR 32 |
31 | Sedimentation And Containment Criteria For Watershed Planning And Management | Hsieh W. Shen. | 6/1/1972 | CR 31 |
30 | Geohydraulics At The Unconformity Between Bedrock And Alluvial Aquifers | J.P. Waltz and D.K. Sunada. | 6/1/1972 | CR 30 |
29 | Identification Of Urban Watershed Units Using Remote Multispectral Sensing | R.R. Root and L.D. Miller. | 6/1/1971 | CR 29 |
28 | Combined Cooling And Bio-Treatment Of Beet Sugar Factory Condenser Water Affluent | George O.G. Lof. | 6/1/1971 | CR 28 |
27 | Local Water Agencies, Communication Patterns, And The Planning Process | Duane M. Hill and R.L. Meek. | 9/1/1971 | CR 27 |
26 | Water Temperature As A Quality Factor In The Use Of Streams And Reservoirs | John C. Ward. | 12/1/1971 | CR 26 |
25 | Evaporation Of Water As Related To Wind Barriers | S.B. Verma and J.E. Cermak. | 6/30/1971 | CR 25 |
24 | Studies Of The Atmospheric Water Balance | J.L. Rasmussen. | 6/30/1971 | CR 24 |
23 | A Systematic Treatment Of The Problem Of Infiltration | H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 6/30/1971 | CR 23 |
22 | An Exploration Of Components Affecting And Limiting Policymaking Options In Local Water Agencies | Duane W. Hill and R.L. Meek. | 6/30/1971 | CR 22 |
21 | Waterfowl-Water Temperature Relations In Winter | Ronald A. Ryder. | 6/30/1971 | CR 21 |
20 | Improving Efficiency In Agricultural Water Use | W.D. Kemper. | 7/31/1970 | CR 20 |
19 | Hydraulics Of Low Gradient Border Irrigation Systems | Norman A. Evans, Dale F. Heermann, Orlando W. Howe and Dennis C. Kincaid. | 6/30/1970 | CR 19 |
18 | Experimental Investigation Of Small Watershed Floods | E.F. Schulz and V.M. Yevjevich. | 6/1/1970 | CR 18 |
17 | An Exploration Of Components Affecting And Limiting Policymaking Options In Local Water Agencies | Duane W. Hill, C.L. Garrison and P.O. Foss. | 11/1/1968 | CR 17 |
16 | Experimental Investigation Of Small Watershed Floods | George L. Smith, V. Yevjevich, and M.E. Holland. | 11/1/1968 | CR 16 |
15 | Hydraulic Operating Characteristics Of Low Gradient Border Checks In The Management Of Irrigation Water | D. Heermann and N.A. Evans. | 12/1/1968 | CR 15 |
14 | Hydrogeology And Water Quality Studies In The Cache La Poudre Basin, Colorado | James P. Waltz. | 6/1/1969 | CR 14 |
13 | Economics Of Groundwater Development In The High Plains Of Colorado | D.D. Rohdy. | 11/1/1969 | CR 13 |
12 | Economics And Administration Of Water Resources | K.C. Nobe. | 6/30/1969 | CR 12 |
11 | Organizational Adaptation To Change In Public Objectives For Water Management Of Cache La Poudre River System | D. Hill, P.O. Foss and R.L. Meek. | 6/30/1969 | CR 11 |
10 | Economics And Administration Of Water Resources | J. Ernest Flack. | 6/30/1969 | CR 10 |
9 | Controlled Accumulation Of Blowing Snow | J.L. Rasmussen. | 6/13/1969 | CR 9 |
8 | Improving Efficiency In Agricultural Water Use | W.D. Kemper and R.E. Danielson. | 6/30/1969 | CR 8 |
7 | Stability Of Slopes With Seepage | C.D. Muir and D.B. Simons. | 6/30/1969 | CR 7 |
6 | Stabilization Of Alluvial Channels | N.G. Bhowmik and D.B. Simons. | 6/30/1969 | CR 6 |
5 | Soil Movement In An Alpine Area | W.D. Striffler. | 6/30/1969 | CR 5 |
4 | Runoff From Forest And Agricultural Watersheds | M.E. Holland. | 6/30/1969 | CR 4 |
3 | Snow Accumulation In Relation To Forest Canopy | J. Meiman, H. Froehlich and R.E. Dils. | 6/30/1969 | CR 3 |
2 | Computer Simulation Of Waste Transport In Groundwater Aquifers | D.L. Reddell and D.K. Sunada. | 6/30/1969 | CR 2 |
1 | Bacterial Response To The Soil Environment | J.W. Boyd, T. Yoshida, L.E. Vereen, R.L. Cada, and S.M. Morrison. | 6/1/1969 | CR 1 |
Number | Title | Author(s) | Date | Link |
1 | Inventory Of Environmental Resources Research In Progress | Authors: n/a **Out of print** | 1/1/1971 | IS 1 |
2 | Economics Of Water Quality–Salinity Pollution | Authors: Abridged Bibliography, Constance A. Miller. | 6/1/1972 | IS 2 |
3 | An Inventory of Environmental Resources Research in Progress CWRRI | Authors: n/a **Out of print** | 7/1/1972 | IS 3 |
4 | Proceedings, Workshop On Home Sewage Disposal In Colorado | Authors: Edited by Robert C. Ward. | 6/1/1972 | IS 4 |
5 | Directory Of Environmental Research Faculty | Authors: CWRRI | 1/1/1973 | IS 5 |
6 | Water Law And Its Relationship To Environmental Quality: A Bibliography Of Source Material | Authors: G. E. Radosevich, D.R. Allardice, G.A. Swanson and K.R. Koebel. | 1/1/1973 | IS 6 |
7 | Wildlife And The Environment, Proceedings of the Governor’s Conference | Authors: n/a **Out of print** (Loan copy available from Morgan Library, CSU) | 3/1/1973 | IS 7 |
8 | Inventory of Current Water Resources Research at Colorado State University | Authors: CWRRI | 7/1/1973 | IS 8 |
9 | Proceedings Of The Symposium On Land Treatment And Secondary Effluent | Authors: Edited by J. Ernest Flack | 11/1/1973 | IS 9 |
10 | Proceedings, Revegetation Of High-Altitude Disturbed Lands No. 1 | Authors: co-Chairmen: W.A. Berg, J.A. Brown and R.L. Cuany. | 7/1/1973 | IS 10 |
11 | Surface Rehabilitation Of Land Disturbances Resulting From Oil Shale Development | Authors: Wayne C. Cook (Executive Summary). | 6/1/1974 | IS 11 |
12 | Water Quality Control And Administration Laws And Regulations | Authors: G.E. Radosevich and Peggy Allen. | 1/1/1974 | IS 12 |
13 | Flood Plain Management Of The Cache La Poudre River Near Fort Collins, Colorado | Authors: G.L. Combs, R.A. McDonald, M.R. Martens and G.M. Rowe. | 8/1/1974 | IS 13 |
14 | Bibliography Pertinent To Disturbance And Rehabilitation Of Alpine And Subalpine Lands In The Southern Rocky Mountains | Authors: O. Steen and W.A. Berg. | 2/1/1975 | IS 14 |
15 | Proceedings Of The Symposium On Water Policies On U.S. Irrigated Agriculture: Are Increased Acreages Needed To Meet Domestic Or World Needs? | Authors: Victor A. Koelzer. | 3/1/1975 | IS 15 |
16 | Annotated Bibliography On Trickle Irrigation | Authors: Stephen W. Smith and Wynn R. Walker. | 6/1/1975 | IS 16 |
17 | Cache La Poudre River Near Fort Collins, Colo. – Flood Management Alternatives – Relocations And Levies | Authors: Robert E. Koirtyohann, Ronald L. Miller, Loren W. Pope and Charles C. Stein. | 8/1/1975 | IS 17 |
18 | Minimum Stream Flows And Lake Levels In Colorado | Authors: Charles G. Rhinehart. | 8/1/1975 | IS 18 |
19 | The Environmental Quality Objective Of Principles And Standards For Planning | Authors: G.D. McGinnis, R.W. Plott and Richard D. Swanson. | 8/1/1975 | IS 19 |
20 | Proceedings, Second Workshop On Home Sewage Disposal In Colorado | Authors: Edited by Robert Ward. | 9/1/1975 | IS 20 |
21 | Proceedings: High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 2 | Authors: Edited by R.H. Zuck and L.F. Brown. | 8/1/1976 | IS 21 |
22 | Implementation Of The National Flood Insurance Program In Larimer County, Colorado | Authors: Dwayne A. Landenberger and Howard M. Whittington. | 9/1/1976 | IS 22 |
23 | Inventory Of Colorado’s Front Range Mountain Reservoirs | Authors: R. Aukerman, William T. Springer and James F. Fudge. | 5/1/1977 | IS 23 |
24 | Factors Affecting Public Acceptance Of Flood Insurance In Larimer And Weld Counties | Authors: Joel W. James, Joel B. Kreger and R. Dru Barrineau. | 9/1/1977 | IS 24 |
25 | Surveillance Data, Plains Segment Of The Cache La Poudre River, Colorado, 1970-1977 | Authors: S.M. Morrison. | 1/1/1978 | IS 25 |
26 | Water Use And Management In An Arid Region (Fort Collins, Colorado And Vicinity) | Authors: J.W. Anderson, C.W. DeRemer and R.S. Hall. | 9/1/1977 | IS 26 |
27 | Proceedings, Colorado Drought Workshops | Authors: Sponsored by Colorado Water Conservation Board and Colorado Drought Board. | 11/1/1977 | IS 27 |
28 | Proceedings: High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 3 | Authors: Edited by S.T. Kenny. | 6/1/1978 | IS 28 |
29 | Proceedings, Third Workshop On Home Sewage Disposal In Colorado Community Management | Authors: Robert C. Ward. | 7/1/1978 | IS 29 |
30 | The Larimer-Weld Council Of Governments 208 Water Quality Plan: An Assessment And Suggestions For Future Directions | Authors: Leonard F. Bryniarski Kenneth W. Carter, Howard D. Danley, and Joseph E. Gurule. | 8/1/1978 | IS 30 |
31 | The Denver Basin: Its Bedrock Aquifers | Authors: M.W. Bittinger. | 1/1/1979 | IS 31 |
32 | Snowpack Augmentation By Cloud Seeding In Colorado And Utah | Authors: Roderick A. Chisholm II and Ronald L. Grimes. | 8/1/1979 | IS 32 |
33 | The Impacts Of Improving Efficiency In Irrigation Systems On Water Availability In The Lower South Platte River Basin | Authors: H.J. Morel-Seytoux, T. Illangasekare, M.W. Bittinger and Norman A. Evans. | 1/1/1979 | IS 33 |
34 | San Luis Valley Water Problems: A Legal Perspective | Authors: G.E. Radosevich and R.W. Rutz. | 1/1/1979 | IS 34 |
35 | Federal Water Storage Projects: Pluses And Minuses | Authors: C.W. Howe. | 6/1/1979 | IS 35 |
36 | Cutting City Water Demand | Authors: J. Ernest Flack. | 5/1/1979 | IS 36 |
37 | Water For The South Platte Basin | Authors: D.W. Hendricks, H.J. Morel-Seytoux and C. Turner. | 3/1/1979 | IS 37 |
38 | Public Participation Practices Of The U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers | Authors: Charles E. Christ and Ronald Lanier. | 7/1/1979 | IS 38 |
39 | Administration Of The Small Watershed Program, 1955-1978, – An Analysis | Authors: WIldon J. Fontenot. | 8/1/1979 | IS 39 |
40 | Proceedings Of The Workshop On Instream Flow Habitat Criteria And Modeling | Authors: Edited by George L. Smith. | 12/1/1979 | IS 40 |
41 | Exploring Ways Of Increasing The Use Of South Platte Water | Authors: John Labadie and John Shafer. | 1/1/1980 | IS 41 |
42 | Proceedings: High-Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 4 | Authors: Edited by Charles L. Jackson, and Mark A. Schuster (Climax Molybdenum Company). | 6/1/1980 | IS 42 |
43 | An Evaluation Of The Cache La Poudre Wild And Scenic River Draft Environmental Impact Statement And Study Report | Authors: Michael J. Eubanks. | 8/1/1980 | IS 43 |
44 | The National Flood Insurance Program In The Larimer County, Colorado Area | Authors: Harry Shoudy. | 8/1/1980 | IS 44 |
45 | Proceedings: Fourth Workshop On Home Sewage Disposal In Colorado – State/County Cooperation In Managing Small Wastewater Flows | Authors: Robert C. Ward. | 8/1/1981 | IS 45 |
46 | The Declining Role Of The U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers In The Development Of The Nation’s Water Resources | Authors: Charles Yoe. | 8/1/1981 | IS 46 |
47 | Section 404 Of The Clean Water Act – An Evaluation Of The Issues And Permit Program Implementation In Western Colorado | Authors: Dennis W. Barnett. | 8/1/1982 | IS 47 |
48 | Proceedings, High-Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 5 | Authors: Edited by Robin L. Cuany and Julie Etra. | 12/1/1982 | IS 48 |
49 | Proceedings: Fifth Workshop On Home Sewage Disposal In Colorado: Operation And Maintenance Of On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems | Authors: Robert C. Ward. | 6/1/1983 | IS 49 |
50 | Possible Capture Of The Mississippi By The Atchafalaya River | Authors: John D. Higby, Jr. | 8/1/1983 | IS 50 |
51 | Environmental Regulation: Applicant Behavior as a Factor in Obtaining Permits | Authors: Barney M. Opton. | 7/1/1984 | IS 51 |
52 | A Critical Assessment Of Methodologies For Estimating Urban Flood Damages-Prevented Benefits | Authors: David Plazak. | 7/1/1984 | IS 52 |
53 | Proceedings: High-Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 6 | Authors: Edited by Thomas A. Colbert and Robin L. Cuany. | 12/1/1984 | IS 53 |
54 | Artificial Aquifer Recharge In The Colorado Portion Of The Ogallala Aquifer | Authors: R. Longenbaugh, D. Miles, E. Hess and J. Rubingh. | 11/1/1984 | IS 54 |
55 | Workshop On Water Quality Monitoring In Colorado | Authors: Edited by Robert C. Ward and William L. Raley. | 7/1/1985 | IS 55 |
56 | Groundwater Quality Protection Policies For The Rocky Mountain Region And The Nation | Authors: Transcript of Proceedings | 4/1/1986 | IS 56 |
57 | Proceedings: Sixth Workshop On On-Site Wastewater Treatment In Colorado | Authors: Edited by Robert C. Ward. | 5/1/1986 | IS 57 |
58 | Proceedings: High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 7 | Authors: Edited by Mark A. Schuster and Ronald H. Zuck. | 10/1/1986 | IS 58 |
59 | Proceedings: High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 8 | Authors: Edited by Warren R. Keammerer and Larry F. Brown. | 7/1/1988 | IS 59 |
60 | Proceedings: Seventh Workshop On On-Site Wastewater Treatment In Colorado | Authors: Edited by Robert C. Ward. | 6/1/1989 | IS 60 |
61 | Proceedings: International Symposium On The Design Of Water Quality Information Systems | Authors: Edited by Robert C. Ward, Jim C. Loftis, and Graham B. McBride. | 6/1/1989 | IS 61 |
62 | Hydrologic Aspects Of Dam Safety | Authors: Edited by Neil S. Grigg. | 2/1/1990 | IS 62 |
63 | Proceedings: High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 9 | Authors: Edited by Warren R. Keammerer and Jeffrey Todd. | 7/1/1990 | IS 63 |
64 | Proceedings: Colorado Water Workshop, July 22-24, 1990, Colorado Water Institutions, Valuable Traditions – New Frontiers | Authors: Presented by Western State College Foundation, Western State College of Colorado | 11/1/1990 | IS 64 |
65 | Proceedings: Water Project Development And Financing In The 1990s | Authors: Edited by Kate A. Berry. | 2/1/1991 | IS 65 |
66 | South Platte River Resource Management; Finding A Balance | Authors: R. Craig Woodring, Editor. | 6/1/1991 | IS 66 |
67 | Colorado Citizens Water Handbook – Colorado, The Next 100 Years | Authors: George Vranesh. | 11/1/1991 | IS 67 |
68 | Proceedings: Colorado Water Workshop, July 21-23, 1992, “From The Dome To The Ditches: Translating Environmental Legislation Into Practice” | Authors: Presented by Western State College Foundation, Western State College of Colorado | 11/1/1991 | IS 68 |
69 | Proceedings: Water Resources And Environment: Education, Training And Research | Authors: *Contact Civil Engineering Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523. Phone: 970/491-5048. | 7/1/1992 | IS 69 |
70 | Proceedings: South Platte River Basin: Uses, Values, Research And Management, Current And Future | Authors: R. Craig Woodring, Ed. | 6/1/1992 | IS 70 |
71 | Proceedings: High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 10 | Authors: Edited by Wendell G. Hassell, Susan K. Nordstrom, Warren R. Keammerer, and Jeffrey Todd. | 3/1/1992 | IS 71 |
72 | Proceedings: Defining Ecological And Sociological Integrity For The South Platte Basin | Authors: R. Craig Woodring, Ed. | 2/1/1993 | IS 72 |
73 | Proceedings: Basin Planning And Management: Water Quantity And Quality | Authors: David K. Mueller, Ed. | 3/1/1993 | IS 73 |
74 | Proceedings: 1993 Colorado Water Convention | Authors: Sponsored and organized by Governor Roy Romer, Dept. of Natural Resources, Colorado Water Conservation Board, State Engineer and Divison of Water Resources | 1/1/1993 | IS 74 |
75 | Proceedings: Colorado Water Workshop, Showdown On The Colorado River | Authors: Presented by Western State College Foundation, Western State College of Colorado | 7/1/1993 | IS 75 |
76 | Seeking An Integrated Approach To Watershed Management In The South Platte | Authors: Kathleen C. Klein, Ed. | 12/1/1993 | IS 76 |
77 | Integrated Watershed Management In The South Platte Basin: Status And Practical Implementation | Authors: Kathleen C. Klein, Ed. | 12/1/1994 | IS 77 |
78 | Proceedings: Colorado Water Workshop, Quenching The Urban Giant | Authors: Presented by Western State College of Colorado | 2/1/1995 | IS 78 |
79 | Proceedings: Workshop On Computer Applications In Water Management | Authors: L. Ahuja, Leppert and K. Rojas. Eds. *Contact Laj Ahuja, USDA/ARS, 301 S. Howes, 345, Fort Collins, CO 80524. Phone: 970/490-8315. | 5/1/1995 | IS 79 |
80 | Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 11 | Authors: Warren R. Keammerer and Weldell G. Hassell, Eds. | 3/1/1995 | IS 80 |
81 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, Endangered Species Management: Planning Our Future | Authors: David Graf, Ed.. | 10/1/1995 | IS 81 |
82 | Arkansas River Basin Water Forum: River Of Dreams And Realities | Authors: n/a | 11/1/1995 | IS 82 |
83 | Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 12 | Authors: Warren R. Keammerer, Ed. | 6/1/1996 | IS 83 |
84 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, Bringing The River Back…To The Future | Authors: David Graf, Ed. | 10/1/1996 | IS 84 |
85 | Arkansas River Basin Water Forum: River Of Dreams And Realities | Authors: n/a | 11/1/1996 | IS 85 |
86 | Ars Workshop On “Real World Infiltration,” Proceedings Of The 1996 Workshop | Authors: L.R. Ahuja, Coordinator. | 7/1/1996 | IS 86 |
87 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, Grow With The Flow: Growth And Water In The South Platte Basin | Authors: Jennifer Mauch, Ed. | 10/1/1997 | IS 87 |
88 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, Not In My Watershed: Changes In Water And Land Use In The South Platte Basin | Authors: Laurie Schmidt, Ed. | 10/1/1998 | IS 88 |
89 | Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 13 | Authors: Warren R. Keammerer and Edward F. Redente, Eds. | 6/1/1999 | IS 89 |
90 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, The South Platte: Old River, New Course? Changes In Land And Water Use In The South Platte Basin | Authors: Lindsay Martin, Ed. | 10/1/1999 | IS 90 |
91 | Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 14 | Authors: Warren R. Keammerer, Ed. | 8/1/2000 | IS 91 |
92 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, Money Flowing Through The South Platte Basin: The Business Of Water | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2000 | IS 92 |
93 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, Wassup In The South Platte Basin | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2001 | IS 93 |
94 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, Who’s Running This Ecosystem? | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2002 | IS 94 |
95 | Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 15 | Authors: Warren R. Keammerer and Edward F. Redente, Eds. | 3/1/2002 | IS 95 |
96 | Proceedings, Colorado Drought Conference | Authors: Co-Sponsored by CWRRI and Colorado Water Conservation Board | 12/1/2002 | IS 96 |
97 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, Planning For Uncertainty | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2003 | IS 97 |
98 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, 15th Annual, Navigating the Future, Water Supplies in the South Platte | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2004 | IS 98 |
99 | Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 16 | Authors: Warren R. Keammerer and Jeffrey Todd, Ed. | 3/1/2004 | IS 99 |
100 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, 16th Annual, From the Headwaters Through the Urban Kidney to the State Line | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2005 | IS 100 |
101 | Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 17 | Authors: Warren R. Keammerer, Editor | 3/1/2006 | IS 101 |
102 | Produced Waters Workshop | Authors: Ranil Wickramasinghe, Proceedings Editor and Reagan Waskom, Director, CWRRI | 10/1/2006 | IS 102 |
103 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, 17th Annual, From the Gold Rush to the Urban Crush, The Past, Present and Future of the South Platte River Basin | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2006 | IS 103 |
104 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, 18th Annual, A River of Change | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2007 | IS 104 |
105 | Colorado Water History: A Bibliography | Authors: Nicolai Kryloff and Patricia J. Rettig, compilers | 3/1/2008 | IS 105 |
106 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, 19th Annual, “News, Weather and Water” | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2008 | IS 106 |
107 | Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop No. 18 | Authors: Joe Brummer, Editor | 3/1/2008 | IS 107 |
108 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, 20th Annual, “1989 to 2029: A River Odyssey” | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2009 | IS 108 |
109 | Proceedings, Workshop on Nonstationarity, Hydrologic Frequency Analysis, and Water Management | Authors: Olsen, J. Rolf, Julie Kiang and Reagan Waskom, (editors) | 6/1/2010 | IS 109 |
110 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, 21st Annual, “High Stakes Games in the South Platte” | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2010 | IS 110 |
111 | Nutrients and Water Quality Nutrients and Water Quality A Region 8 Collaborative Workshop — Workshop Summary and Recommendations | Authors: Bauder, James W. and Smith, MaryLou | 6/27/2011 | IS 111 |
112 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum, 22nd Annual, “Making River Music” | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/6/2011 | IS 112 |
113 | Proceedings, High Altitude Revegetation Workshop, No. 19 | Authors: Joe Brummer, Ed. | 3/4/2010 | IS 113 |
114 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum 23rd Annual, “Celebrating Along the Way” | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2012 | IS 114 |
115 | Proceedings, South Platte Forum 24th Annual, “The Ins and Outs of the South Platte Basin” | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Ed. | 10/1/2013 | IS 115 |
116 | United States Perspective on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus | Authors: Reagan Waskom, Masih Akhbari, and Neil Grigg | 9/1/2014 | IS 116 |
117 | Water and Wisdom: Preceedings from the 25th Annual South Platte Forum | Authors: Jennifer Brown, Editor | 10/26/2015 | IS 117 |
118 | Growing Forward: Proceedings from the 26th Annual South Platte Forum | Authors: Associated Sponsors | 10/26/2015 | IS 118 |
Number | Title | Authors | Date | Link |
62 | Technology Effectiveness Assessment Of Soil Vapor Extraction, by David Barnes, David McWhorter, and Robert C. Ward. | Authors: David Barnes, David McWhorter, and Robert C. Ward. | 10/1/1994 | TR 62 |
61 | Windy Gap: Transmountain Water Diversion And The Environmental Movement, by Gregory M. Silkensen. | Authors: Gregory M. Silkensen. | 8/1/1994 | TR 61 |
60 | A Framework For Development Of Data Analysis Protocols For Groundwater Quality Monitoring, by Nadine Adkins | Authors: Nadine Adkins | 6/1/1993 | TR 60 |
59 | Water Quality Data Management, by Laurel Saito. | Authors: Laurel Saito. | 7/1/1992 | TR 59 |
58 | Valuing Time In Travel Cost Demand Analysis By Visitors To Blue Mesa Reservoir, by John R. McKean, Richard G. Walsh and Donn M. Johnson. | Authors: John R. McKean, Richard G. Walsh and Donn M. Johnson. | 6/1/1991 | TR 58 |
57 | Real-Time Reservoir Operation Decision Support Under The Appropriation Doctrine, by John R. Eckhardt. | Authors: John R. Eckhardt. | 5/1/1991 | TR 57 |
56 | Multivariate Methods For Detecting Water Quality Trends, by Jim C. Loftis, Charles H. Taylor and Phillip L. Chapman. | Authors: Jim C. Loftis, Charles H. Taylor and Phillip L. Chapman. | 2/1/1990 | TR 56 |
55 | A Comparison Of Long-Run Forecasts Of Demand For Fishing, Hunting, And Nonconsumptive Wildlife Recreation Based On The 1980 And 1985 Surveys, by R.G. Walsh, D.M. Johnson and J.R. McKean. | Authors: R.G. Walsh, D.M. Johnson and J.R. McKean. | 12/1/1988 | TR 55 |
54 | Review Of Outdoor Recreation Economic Demand Studies With Nonmarket Benefit Estimates, 1968-1988, by Richard G. Walsh, Kun H. John and John R. McKean. | Authors: Richard G. Walsh, Kun H. John and John R. McKean. | 12/1/1988 | TR 54 |
53 | Gunnison County Interindustry Spending And Employment Attributed To Fishing At Blue Mesa Reservoir, by J.R. McKean, D.M. Johnson and R.G. Walsh. | Authors: J.R. McKean, D.M. Johnson and R.G. Walsh. | 12/1/1988 | TR 53 |
52 | County Input-Output Models For The State Of Wyoming: With Analysis Of New Industries And New Construction Impacts, by J.R. McKean and Agricultural 1987 Enterprises, Inc. | Authors: J.R. McKean and Agricultural 1987 Enterprises, Inc. | 10/1/1987 | TR 52 |
51 | Status, Issues And Impacts Of Coal Slurry Pipelines On Agriculture And Water, by Ari M. Michelsen and John W. Green | Authors: Ari M. Michelsen and John W. Green | 1/1/1988 | TR 51 |
50 | Wildlife And Fish Use Assessment: Long-Run Forecasts Of Participation In Fishing, Hunting And Nonconsumptive Wildlife Recreation, by R.G. Walsh, D.A. Harpman, K.H. John, J.R. McKean and Lauren LeCroy. | Authors: R.G. Walsh, D.A. Harpman, K.H. John, J.R. McKean and Lauren LeCroy. | 12/1/1987 | TR 50 |
49 | Economic Benefits And Costs Of The Fish Stocking Program At Blue Mesa Reservoir, Colorado, by Donn M. Johnson and Richard G. Walsh. | Authors: Donn M. Johnson and Richard G. Walsh. | 12/1/1987 | TR 49 |
48 | Evapotranspiration Of Phreatophytes In The San Luis Valley, Colorado, by Frederick L. Charles. | Authors: Frederick L. Charles. | 6/1/1987 | TR 48 |
47 | Managing An Interrelated Stream-Aquifer System: Economics, Institutions, Hydrology, by J.T. Daubert, R.A. Young and H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | Authors: J.T. Daubert, R.A. Young and H.J. Morel-Seytoux. | 4/1/1985 | TR 47 |
46 | Expansion Of Water Delivery By Municipalities And Special Water Districts In The Northern Front Range, Colorado, 1972-1982, by Raymond L. Anderson. | Authors: Raymond L. Anderson. | 10/1/1984 | TR 46 |
45 | The Economy Of Southwest Colorado, Description And Analysis, by John R. McKean and Wendell D. Winger. | Authors: John R. McKean and Wendell D. Winger. | 5/1/1984 | TR 45 |
44 | Direct And Indirect Economic Effects Of Hunting And Fishing In Colorado – 1981, by John R. McKean and Kenneth C. Nobe. | Authors: John R. McKean and Kenneth C. Nobe. | 1/1/1984 | TR 44 |
43 | The Economy Of Eastern Wyoming, Casper Blm District, by John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | Authors: John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | 5/1/1983 | TR 43 |
42 | The Economy Of Big Horn, Hot Springs, Park And Washakie Counties, Wyoming, Worland Blm District, by John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | Authors: John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | 5/1/1983 | TR 42 |
41 | The Economy Of Albany, Carbon And Fremont Counties, Wyoming, Rawlins Blm District, by John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | Authors: John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | 5/1/1983 | TR 41 |
40 | The Economy Of Lincoln, Sublette, Sweetwater And Uinta Counties, Wyoming, Rock Springs Blm District, by J.R. McKean and J.C. Weber. | Authors: J.R. McKean and J.C. Weber. | 5/1/1983 | TR 40 |
39 | Sportsmen Expenditures For Hunting And Fishing In Colorado – 1981, by John R. McKean and Kenneth C. Nobe. | Authors: John R. McKean and Kenneth C. Nobe. | 1/1/1983 | TR 39 |
38 | Groundwater Quality Regulation In Colorado, by Thomas J. Looft. | Authors: Thomas J. Looft. | 12/1/1982 | TR 38 |
37 | An Interindustry Analysis Of Three Front Range Foothills Communities: Estes Park, Gilpin County And Woodland Park, Colorado, by John R. McKean, Warren Trock and David R. Senf. | Authors: John R. McKean, Warren Trock and David R. Senf. | 7/1/1982 | TR 37 |
36 | The Economy Of The Powder River Basin Region Of Eastern Wyoming: Description And Analysis, by J.R. McKean, J.C. Weber and R.K. Ericson. | Authors: J.R. McKean, J.C. Weber and R.K. Ericson. | 1/1/1981 | TR 36 |
35 | The Economies Of Mesa County And Garfield, Moffat, Rio Blanco And Routt Counties, Colorado, by J.R. McKean, J.C. Weber and R.K. Ericson. | Authors: J.R. McKean, J.C. Weber and R.K. Ericson. | 4/1/1981 | TR 35 |
34 | Energy And Water Scarcity And The Irrigated Agricultural Economy Of The Colorado High Plains: Direct Economic-Hydrologic Impact Forecasts (1979-2020), by R.A. Young, L.R. Conklin, R.A. Longenbaugh and R.L. Gardner. | Authors: R.A. Young, L.R. Conklin, R.A. Longenbaugh and R.L. Gardner. | 2/1/1982 | TR 34 |
33 | Projected Population, Employment, And Economic Output In Colorado’s Eastern High Plains, 1979-2020, by John R. McKean. | Authors: John R. McKean. | 2/1/1982 | TR 33 |
32 | Hydrologic And Pumping Data For Colorado’s Ogallala Aquifer Region, 1979, by Robert Longenbaugh. | Authors: Robert Longenbaugh. | TR 32 | |
31 | Community And Socio-Economic Analysis Of Colorado’s High Plains Region, by Robert Burns. | Authors: Robert Burns. | 2/1/1982 | TR 31 |
30 | Energy Production And Use In Colorado’s High Plains Region, by Emm McBroom. | Authors: Emm McBroom. | 2/1/1982 | TR 30 |
29 | An Economic Input-Output Study Of The High Plains Region Of Eastern Colorado, by J.R. McKean, R.K. Ericson and J.C. Weber. | Authors: J.R. McKean, R.K. Ericson and J.C. Weber. | 2/1/1982 | TR 29 |
28 | An Assessment Of Water Use And Policies In Northern Colorado Cities, by Kelly N. DiNatale. | Authors: Kelly N. DiNatale. | 5/1/1981 | TR 28 |
27 | An Input-Output Study Of The Kremmling Region Of Western Colorado, by John R. McKean and Joseph Weber. | Authors: John R. McKean and Joseph Weber. | 5/1/1981 | TR 27 |
26 | An Input-Output Analysis Of Sportsman Expenditures In Colorado, by John R. McKeen. | Authors: John R. McKeen. | 1/1/1981 | TR 26 |
25 | The Economy Of Northwestern Colorado – Description And Analysis, by S.L. Gray, J.R. McKean and J.C. Weber. | Authors: S.L. Gray, J.R. McKean and J.C. Weber. | 1/1/1981 | TR 25 |
24 | The Survey-Based Input-Output Model As A Resource Planning Tool, by John R. McKean. | Authors: John R. McKean. | 1/1/1981 | TR 24 |
23 | The Economy Of Moffat, Routt And Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado – Description And Analysis, by John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | Authors: John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | 1/1/1981 | TR 23 |
22 | An Input-Output Study Of The Upper Colorado Main Stem Region Of Western Colorado, by John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | Authors: John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | 1/1/1981 | TR 22 |
21 | The Economy Of Albany, Carbon, And Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming – Description And Analysis, by John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | Authors: John R. McKean and Joseph C. Weber. | 1/1/1981 | TR 21 |
20 | Development Of Methodologies For Determining Optimal Water Storage Stratagies, by Darrell G. Fontane and John W. Labadie. | Authors: Darrell G. Fontane and John W. Labadie. | 9/1/1980 | TR 20 |
19 | An Economic Evaluation Of The General Management For Yosemite National Park, by Richard G. Walsh. | Authors: Richard G. Walsh. | 5/1/1980 | TR 19 |
18 | An Interactive River Basin Water Management Model: Synthesis And Application, by John M. Shafer. | Authors: John M. Shafer. | 8/1/1979 | TR 18 |
17 | Land Treatment Of Municipal Sewage Effluent At Hayden, Colorado, by K.A. Barbarick, B.R. Sabey, and N.A. Evans. | Authors: K.A. Barbarick, B.R. Sabey, and N.A. Evans. | 10/1/1977 | TR 17 |
16 | Water Management Model For Front Range River Basins, by John W. Labadie and John M. Shafer. | Authors: John W. Labadie and John M. Shafer. | 4/1/1979 | TR 16 |
15 | Weekly Crop Consumptive Use And Precipitation In The Lower South Platte River Basin (Fort Morgan, Sterling And Julesburg) 1947-1975. | Authors: | 2/1/1979 | TR 15 |
14 | Economic Value Of Benefits From Recreation At High Mountain Reservoirs, by Richard G. Walsh, Robert Aukerman and Dean Rudd. | Authors: Richard G. Walsh, Robert Aukerman and Dean Rudd. | 12/1/1978 | TR 14 |
13 | Impact Of Irrigation Efficiency Improvements On Water Availability In The South Platte River Basin, by M.W. Bittinger, R.E. Danielson, N.A. Evans, W.E. Hart, H.J. Morel-Seytoux and M.M. Skinner. | Authors: M.W. Bittinger, R.E. Danielson, N.A. Evans, W.E. Hart, H.J. Morel-Seytoux and M.M. Skinner. | 1/1/1979 | TR 13 |
12 | Recreation Benefits Of Water Quality: Rocky Mountain National Park, South Platte River Basin, Colorado, by R.G. Walsh, R.K. Ericson, J.R. McKean and R.A. Young. | Authors: R.G. Walsh, R.K. Ericson, J.R. McKean and R.A. Young. | 5/1/1978 | TR 12 |
11 | Federal Water Recreation In Colorado: Comprehensive View And Analysis, by Kharol E. Stefanec. | Authors: Kharol E. Stefanec. | 5/1/1978 | TR 11 |
10 | Efficiency Of Wastewater Disposal In Mountain Areas, by Richard G. Walsh, Jared P. Soper and Anthony A. Prato. | Authors: Richard G. Walsh, Jared P. Soper and Anthony A. Prato. | 1/1/1978 | TR 10 |
9 | The 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act’s Area-Wide Planning Provision: Has Executive Implementation Met Congressional Intent? by D.F. Stark. | Authors: D.F. Stark. | 11/1/1977 | TR 9 |
8 | Models Designed To Efficiently Allocate Irrigation Water Use Based On Crop Response To Soil Moisture Stress, by R.L. Anderson, D. Yaron and R. Young. | Authors: R.L. Anderson, D. Yaron and R. Young. | 5/1/1977 | TR 8 |
7 | Manual Training In The Application Of Principles And Standards (Water Resources Council), by Henry Caulfield, Jr. | Authors: Henry Caulfield, Jr. | 12/1/1974 | TR 7 |
6 | Colorado Environmental Data Systems (abridged), by Ross A,. Whaley and A.A. Dyer. | Authors: Ross A,. Whaley and A.A. Dyer. | 10/1/1972 | TR 6 |
5 | Revegetation Of Disturbed Soils In Various Vegetation Ecosystems Of The Piceance Basin, by P.L. Sims and E.F. Redente. | Authors: P.L. Sims and E.F. Redente. | 12/1/1974 | TR 5 |
4 | Vegetation Stabilization Of Spent Oil Shales, by H.P. Harbert and W.A. Berg. | Authors: H.P. Harbert and W.A. Berg. | 12/1/1974 | TR 4 |
3 | Implementation Of The Federal Water Project Recreation Act In Colorado, by John A. Spence. | Authors: John A. Spence. | 6/1/1974 | TR 3 |
2 | Estimated Average Annual Water Balance For Piceance And Yellow Creek Watersheds, by Ivan F. Wymore. | Authors: Ivan F. Wymore. | 8/1/1974 | TR 2 |
1 | Surface Rehabilitation Of Land Disturbances Resulting From Oil Shale Development, by C. Wayne Cook. | Authors: C. Wayne Cook. | 6/1/1974 | TR 1 |
Number | Title | Author(s) | Date | Link |
1 | Design Of Water And Wastewater Systems For Rapid Growth Areas And Resorts | Authors: J. Ernest Flack. | 5/1/1977 | SR 1 |
2 | Environment And Colorado – A Handbook | Authors: Edited by Phillip O. Foss. | SR 2 | |
3 | Irrigation Development Potential In Colorado | Authors: Norman K. Whittlesey. | 5/1/1977 | SR 3 |
4 | Environmental Inventory Of A Portion Of Piceance Basin In Rio Blanco County, Colorado | Authors: ERC | SR 4 | |
5 | A Guide To Colorado Water Law | Authors: Ward H. Fischer, Steven B. Ray, Glen D. Rask and Windol L. Wyatt. | 4/1/1978 | SR 5 |
6 | Network Analysis Of Raw Water Supplies Under Complex Water Rights And Exchanges: Documentation For Program Modsim3 | Authors: J.W. Labadie, Andrew M. Pineda and Dennis A. Bode. | 3/1/1984 | SR 6 |
7 | The Colorado Water Resources Research Institute – 25 Years Of Research, Training And Scientific Publications | Authors: | SR 7 | |
8 | Colorado’s Water: Climate, Supply And Drought | Authors: CWRRI | 6/1/1990 | SR 8 |
9 | 1990 Floods In The U.S., A Descriptive Report Of Flooding In The Southern States | Authors: CWRRI | 11/1/1990 | SR 9 |
10 | Delph Carpenter – Father Of Colorado River Treaties | Authors: Text of Governor Ralph L. Carr | 9/1/1991 | SR 10 |
11 | Water Research In The Rockies: An Historical Retrospect: Rocky Mountain Hydraulic Laboratory And The Rocky Mountain Hydrologic Research Center, Allenspark, Colorado | Authors: Research and Writing by Jill Marsh. | 1/1/1996 | SR 11 |
12 | Organizing For Endangered And Threatened Species Habitat In The Platte River Basin | Authors: David M. Freeman | 9/1/2003 | SR 12 |
13 | Stretching Urban Water Supplies In Colorado: Strategies For Landscape Water Conservation | Authors: Rachel Barta with assistance from R. Ward, R. Waskom and D. Smith | 2/1/2004 | SR 13 |
14 | Colorado High Plains Irrigation Practices Guide, Water Saving Options for Irrigators in Eastern Colorado | Authors: Rachel Barta, Israel Broner, Joel Schneekloth and Reagan Waskom | 3/1/2004 | SR 14 |
15 | Irrigation, Settlement, and Change on the Cache La Poudre River | Authors: Rose Laflin | 6/1/2005 | SR 15 |
16 | Agricultural Chemicals and Groundwater Protection in Colorado 1990-2006 | Authors: Troy Bauder, Reagan Waskom, Rob Wawrzynski, Karl Mauch, Greg Naugle | 12/1/2006 | SR 16 |
17 | Public Perceptions, Preferences and Values for Water in the West: A Survey of Western and Colorado Residents | Authors: Pritchett, J., A. Bright, A. Shortsleeve, J. Thorvaldson, T. Bauder and R. Waskom | 2/1/2009 | SR 17 |
18 | Federal Bureaucracy and Locality: A Case Study of the Uncompahgre Valley Water Users’ Association’s Management of its Water Commons | Authors: April Pratt | 4/1/2010 | SR 18 |
20 | Meeting Colorado’s Future Water Supply Needs: Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Potential Agricultural Water Conservation Measures | Authors: Kelly DiNatale, Todd Doherty, Reagan Waskom, Rick Brown | 9/1/2008 | SR 20 |
21 | Quantification Task: A Description of Agriculture Production and Water Transfers in the Colorado River Basin | Authors: James Pritchett | 1/1/2011 | SR 21 |
22 | Agricultural/ Urban/ Environmental Water Sharing: Innovative Strategies for the Colorado River Basin and the West | Authors: MaryLou Smith, James Pritchett | SR 22 | |
23 | Agricultural Chemicals & Groundwater Protection in Colorado | Authors: Troy Bauder, Reagan Waskom, Rob Wawrzynski, Karl Mauch, Erik Wardle, Andrew Ross | SR 23 | |
24 | Data for Improved Water Management in Colorado’s Arkansas River Basin | Authors: Timothy Gates | 12/5/2014 | SR 24 |
25 | How Diversion and Beneficial Use of Water Affect the Value and Measure of a Water Right | Authors: Reagan Waskom, Kevin Rein, Dick Wolfe, MaryLou Smith | 2/16/2016 | SR 25 |
26 | Where Are We Now? Socio-Ecological Risks and Community Responses to Oil and Gas Development in Colorado | Authors: Karie Boone | 12/5/2014 | SR 26 |
27 | Case Studies Outlining Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Water Conservation in the Colorado River Basin | Authors: Masih Akhbari, MaryLou Smith | 6/17/2016 | SR 27 |
28 | Economic Impact Analysis and Regional Activity Tool for Alternative Irrigated Cropping in the San Luis Valley | Authors: Rebecca Hill, James Pritchett | 8/8/2016 | SR 28 |
29 | Report to the Colorado Legislature South Platte Phreatophyte Study | Authors: Andrew Norton, Gabrielle Katz, Ahmed Eldeiry, Reagan Waskom, and Tom Holtzer | 12/21/2016 | SR 29 |
30 | Where now with Alternative Transfer Methods—ATMs—in Colorado? | Authors: Anne Castle, MaryLou Smith, John Stulp, Brad Udall, Reagan Waskom | 4/20/2017 | SR 30 |
31 | The Economics of Irrigation in Colorado’s Lower Arkansas River Valley | Authors: Blake Osborn, Anthony S. Orlando, Dana L. Hoag, Timothy K. Gates, James C. Valliant | 5/11/2017 | SR 31 |
32 | Alternative Transfer Methods in Colorado Status Update, Framework for Continued Support, And Recommendations for CWCB Action | Authors: Perry E Cabot, Nora E Flynn, Blake Osborne, and Reagan M Waskom | 8/30/2020 | SR 32 |
33 | Quenching Thirst in the Colorado River Basin | Authors: Karen Kwon and Jennifer Gimbel | 11/03/2021 | SR 33 |
Number | Title | Author(s) | Date | Link |
13 | The Complementary Relationship In The Estimation Of Regional Evapotranspiration: An Enhanced Advection-Aridity Model | Authors: Michael T. Hobbins, Jorge A. Ramirez and Thomas C. Brown | OFR 13 | |
12 | Integration Of Water Quantity/Quality In River Basin Network Flow Modeling | Authors: Tewei Dai and John W. Labadie | 1/1/1997 | OFR 12 |
11 | Use Of Gis Modeling Techniques As A Planning Tool For Establishment Of Wetlands As Nitrate And Pesticide Removal Facilities | Authors: David G. Wagner and Maurice D. Hall | 5/1/1995 | OFR 11 |
10 | Decision Support System For Conjunctive Stream-Aquifer Management | Authors: Jeffrey W. Fredricks and John W. Labadie | 8/1/1995 | OFR 10 |
9 | Temporal And Spatial Variations Of Hydraulic Conductivity In A Stream Bed In Golden, Colorado | Authors: Steven R. Hannula and Eileen P. Poeter. | 4/11/1995 | OFR 9 |
8 | Developing A Biotic Index For Colorado Stream Quality | Authors: Scott A. Grotheer, J.M. Chudd, Sen-Her Shieh, N.J. Voriz and J.V. Ward. (also numbered as Completion Report No.187) | 11/1/1994 | OFR 8 |
7 | An Integrated Economic Hydrologic Model For Groundwater Basin Management | Authors: Islam M. Faisal, Robert A. Young and James W. Warner, (also numbered as Completion Report No. 186) | 5/1/1994 | OFR 7 |
6 | Field Assessment Of Stream/Aquifer Interaction Under Semi-Arid Conditions And Problems With Computer Representation | Authors: Lisa L. Bissett and Eileen P. Poeter. (also numbered as Completion Report No. 185) | 6/1/1994 | OFR 6 |
5 | Economic Factors Affecting Residential Water Demand In Colorado | Authors: Laurie L. Walters and Robert A. Young. (also numbered as Completion Report No. 175 ) | 5/1/1994 | OFR 5 |
4 | The Economic Impact Due To Drawdown On Colorado’s Recreation Reservoirs | Authors: K-Lynn Cameron and Robert A. Young (also numbered as Completion Report No.174) | OFR 4 | |
3 | The Role Of The South Platte Tributary Aquifer In Ne Colorado Irrigated Agriculture: Results Of A Survey | Authors: P.K. Bash and R.A. Young. (also numbered as Completion Report No. 173) | 6/1/1994 | OFR 3 |
2 | Some Economic Impacts Of A Rural-To-Urban Water Transfer: A Case Study Of Crowley County, Colorado | Authors: R.G. Taylor, R.A. Young and J.R. McKean.(also numbered as Completion Report No. 171) | 11/1/1993 | OFR 2 |
1 | An Approach To Modeling A Steam-Aquifer System For Conjunctive Management | Authors: H.J. Morel-Seytoux, Chuanmian Zhang and R.A. Young. (also numbered as Completion Report No. 170) | 5/1/1990 | OFR 1 |
Number | Title | Author(s) | Date | Link |
6 | A Hundred Years of irrigation in colorado: 100 Years of Organized and Continuous Irrigation 1852-1952 | Authors: The Colorado Water Conservation Board Denver and Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical College Fort Collins | 1/1/1952 | AP6 |
5 | South Platte River System in Colorado: Hydrology, Development and Management Issues | Authors: CWRRI South Platte Team | 1/1/1990 | AP5 |
4 | Resolving Taxonomy and Historic Distribution for Conservation of Rare Great Plains Fishes: Hybognathus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in Eastern Colorado Basins (Brassy Minnows) | Authors: Julie A. Scheurer, Kevin R. Bestgen, and Kurt D. Fausch | 2/26/2003 | AP4 |
3 | Anniversary of the First Water Right | Authors: Colorado Water Conservation Board (Denver) and Colorado Agricultural and Mechanical College (Fort Collins) | AP3 | |
2 | Evolution of the Bureau of Reclamation: An Insider Historian’s Perspective on the Legacy and the Challenge (100th Anniversary) Evolution of the Bureau of Reclamation: An Insider Historian’s Perspective on the Legacy and the Challenge (100th Anniversary | Authors: Presented by Brit Allan Storey | 7/31/2002 | AP2 |
1 | Drought Conference Summary | Authors: CWRRI | 12/1/2002 | AP1 |
Number | Title | Author(s) | Date | Link |
9 | A History of Drought in Colorado: Lessons Learned and What Lies Ahead | Authors: Thomas B. McKee, Nolan J. Doesken, John Kleist, Catherine J. Shrier, William P. Stanton | 2/1/2000 | WIB 9 |
8 | Irrigation Water Use in the Yampa River Basin | Authors: D. H. Smith, R. H. Nichols, and F. M. Smith | 11/1/1998 | WIB 8 |
7 | Inheriting Our Past: River Sediment Sources and Sediment Hazards In Colorado | Authors: Ellen Wohl, Robert McConnell, Jay Skinner, Richard Stenzel | 7/1/1998 | WIB 7 |
6 | People and Water: an Information Challenge | Authors: Marilee Long, Mark Kumler, Sharon Gabel, James L. Wescoat Jr, Greg Luft | 9/1/1993 | WIB 6 |
5 | An Institute Runs Through It! New Challenges For a 30 Year-Old Idea! | Authors: Robert C. Ward | 11/1/1995 | WIB 5 |
4 | South Platte Water Rights Management System | Authors: | 10/1/1995 | WIB 4 |
3 | Ecological Integrity And Western Water Management: A Colorado Perspective | Authors: Alan P. Covich, William H. Clements, Kurt D. Fausch, John D. Stednick, John Wilkins-Wells, Steven R. Abt | 9/1/1995 | WIB 3 |
2 | Initiating a Water Management Decision Support System for the South Platte River Basin | Authors: | 8/1/1995 | WIB 2 |
1 | When is Soil Vapor Extraction Right for Protecting Groundwater Quality? | Authors: | 7/1/1994 | WIB 1 |